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Don't you worry i am not dead nor have i given up!

let me tell you what i am currently doing and why, a more in depth Devblog will be posted as soon as i released the next Game!

So what have i done the last few weeks...

I Made a "Special" game that features parts of everyone of my "Main Games".

So there is a Part of Harem where you get to see and touch the new Fur system,

One Of Frost, where you meet mistress Frost and the Bluefox Tribe,

And have a look at a Missing episode of Aladdin featuring Rajah the tiger, Princess Jasmine and Mirage!

Right now i am polishing models and animations,

I am Sorry it feels like it takes forever.... I know i should update you more often but i always have the feeling that it is not good enough and i need to get it better...

So i keep working every day on this fixing bugs and creating new ones, making mistakes and having mild mental breakdowns from time to time :x

But believe me, i won't give up because i know this is going to be a Very Very Awesome game! 

For everyone that won't be able to play it, i plan on doing a Looped animation gif/mp4/web, version of every animation, and a longer not looped version of the animation modes that generate movement dynamicly, but as i currently focus on getting this game actually to a state i am happy with, i would estimate those animation gifs/mp4/webm's will come a few days after release, but i will make a mention on that with the release post!

The new Framework works wonderfull (most of the times)

It has full functionality from a Adventure game mode with walking around and interacting with characters, to a new and more dynamic "Cuddle" system that allows you to interact with characters much better.

Also new is a emotion system that uses both bone and Morph targets to have characters react on what you do and how they feel.

The original plan was to release this Project on christmas, but i just was not happy with the result and was seing the potential of something really awesome, so i continued working every day, adding scenes, animations where i felt something was missing and adding parts where you actually walk around and explore things,

So this Minigame has expanded to a big release, my biggest so far,

For a quick rundown on what it features:

Three Totally different game worlds:



-Your Home (Harem)

I will share with you some screenshots and information that i would consider not too Spoiler like, but if you really want to be surprised what i made for you the past months you should consider not reading any more, and wait a few days until i finished the polishing process!



The Harem Part plays at your Home, You get a few New Plushies as Present :3


It may happens that they come alive, but you should not worry they just want to cuddle :3


But make sure to not wash them too hot! :O

Also something Kitty Related, i made a Version of Rajah for the Toon Part of that release,



You get to see exaclty what Jasmine and Rajah are doing in cold desert nights....


And of course Mirage can not be missing in that story, i bet she likes some cuddles too, will she get her own pet? :O


I made way too many animations of them Kissing each other.... It is actually a function that creates dynamic movement that never repeats with them kissing each other,

it was a great way to get to know the new way i do animations with the Framework.

It actually enables me to have very specific controllers on a animation asset that help with dymanic look at constraints or inverse kinematics that reduce clipping by alot!


I also remade Jasmine to some degree,

She has new Facial animation bones and now supports all the features of every other character that uses my framework >3



The same goes for the Bluefoxes,

They are now fully implemented in Frost,

(missing is the Bluefox Queen and the quests for them)

I Decided to only give the tails of the Bluefoxes the New Fur system,


It was a difficult decition because the best would be that every fluffy character would feature the new fur system to 100%, but with especially short fur, the benifits are not really noticible, or better said not worth the additional frametime.


The fur actually collides with body parts :3

One thing for the future would be Fluids interacting with fur, made a few tests and i know it will work, but thats something for the Devblog!

Also new is i gave Mistress Frost a few things to play with,


And to keep warm, You will get to know her in that release, as she will show you what Frost is all about ♥

Also new is the ability for you♥ to become a Wolf yourself, 

Because of that, i got into the Wolf models and remade some parts of the face, like the Nose, Eye liquid and Dynamic Pupils for the eyes, as well as a new tounge model.


There are like tons of other things that are new and different, like Wiskers that behave physically correct and collide with things (Used the new Fur system for them, they are activated from Medium Fur settings onwards)

Now let me show you a few more WIP Screenshots

This is the Rajah Model in engine:


Here i made some tailJob animations for the Bluefoxes and the Human You♥


Most of the time i work with two or more scenes at the same time, I am using 3d studio max and the waiting periods between creating animation layers is somethimes..... x_x


I will keep you up to date and Hopefully next time with this release!

Its going to be huge, the project is around 10gb to download.... :O

♥u your Furrier,


You should download the Attachements, there are some things not shown in this Post! :3


When something gets really close to the eyes of a character, it can scare her/him.... Mirage is scared of her new Hairstyle :x




Update 1 Added Image Links and Attachement with secret images/videos :o

Jason Aragon

Amazing f*ING job man! This is fantastic!


i just wish you could already play it! Don't worry i keep on it! :3

Wayne sills

Happy for the update furrier also happy to see u are doing good. Love the work can't wait for your work

Wayne sills

Your welcome tell salem I said hi back


any chance you could add an option to replace jasmine with a furry character or something?


I want for that character a furry version (jasmine as tiger furry in the style of Mirage) so that a spell makes her into a furry. But it's not made yet, I have the body for that done but that '' skin'' still needs some work, that's why I am not sure yet if I implement it into this release. Next time I have the file open, I send you a Screenshot of her tiger skin. 🐯


yay I'm really looking forward to the next game updates💖


I´ve heard some german in one of the vids :P


haha just checked it and yes i listen to some podcast when working xD


Working on some event models for frost right now, do you think this bed is fluffy enough? https://ibb.co/JvtQBx4 I'ts inside the Bluefox palace :3


Plushies. You have my full support.


I wanna hug and cuddle that fluffy doorstep present. :)


i also add a feature that allows you to enable/ disable "cuddle only" mode which disables all sexual animations and replaces them with cuddles :3

Wolfy Wet Furr

Dawe, Rajah looks handsome and the gift kitty looks so cute! I found the door opening scene impressive looking, with all the weather and the departing delivery truck.


cant wait to see the fox women in action