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I make good progress for the Next Game Release,

Made and added many Animations and Events for you to explore and Play, 

there are a ton of easter eggs and crazy stuff in general you would not imagine :D

In a few days its my Birthday (August, 02), and i really want to have it done before that so stay tuned for total Fluff overload! :3


i have a important question for you

yesterday i was with a Friend he has a 3090 :O

And i got the opportunity to try some RTX Related things (not Ray Tracing)

I Added DLSS Support and Ansel to the Framework and experimented a bit,


Works with with every NVidia GPU if i understand it right so thats easy.

What is Ansel?

You Press ALT+F3 To enable it, then the game Pauses, and you can freely move the camera around and make nice Photos:

Sometimes its a bit buggy with the UI when you enable Super Resolution tough...

See it in action:



Not to the really interesting part, DLSS stands for DeepLearningSuperSampling, and is only aviable to RTX Graphics cards.

It Speeds up the renering by quite a lot and the Quality of the Anti aliasing, without the Ghosting effect Temporal AA usually has.

Here are some examples of it, With Temporal AA Disabled:



Don't have a RTX Card?

Don't you worry!

I dont have one myself, and there is Temporal Anti Aliasing aviable for you and me, 

its the same i have used all the time in my games, the problem with Temporal AA are the edges of the Fur, but when you move around its not that noticible, a work around would be enable Super resolution when making screenshots with Ansel, this helps a bit.

But the Image quality with DLSS is superior, good for everyone with a RTX card (Please make some videos when the game is released, need eye candy :)

So now to the Poll,

Which Graphics Card do you have?

My Buddy is willing to borrow me his 3090 for a week, but i only would be ok with it if there are some People here that would use the DLSS Feature, i don't want to take his hard earned card just for my own pleasure, he is a Gamer and uses it all the time and i am glad he offers me that :3

Ansel is completley implemented and ready to use for every Nvida user, but for DLSS i need to add the controls for the Quality switches and debug.

Thank you for your time with that poll♥ 

Will be back soon!


Your furrier,


Wayne sills

Happy Early birthday


That brings bad luck xD but luckely i am immune to that! Found a clover with four leafes today *taping it gently * :3


That fox girl in the second pic looks great! I personally have a 3080, so id have no problem with anything you decide to do, but i totally understand the rough gpu market right now. Personally, i would like the DLSS option.


Jea that market right now is x_x When they get cheaper/aviable i will definitly get one, did not thought that there are so many users here with rtx cards (atm 46%) I will implement it! My friend is already on the way xD


My dear Furrier, we all know your predictions :P I take bets and say there won't be a download before your birthday XD

Tyler Baker

How are you and did you get a video of the Crotchboobs and sex or rubbing your _____ on them


always stay optimistic, lets bet, When there is a Download before that, you donate some money to a charity of your choice, If not, i donate 100$ to the Children's Cancer Foundation! Deal? :3


when i am on that event again i post a few gifs under that comment, at the moment i work on a different animation.


I got an 3060 just a month ago, so Im good to go bro ;P cant wait to try all the horsies out


Hey♥ Lucky you ^^ i really need to get one for myself thinking about getting a 3060 when they are aviable again for a normal price, please tell me how it runs on your rig when it is out :3


5700xt just aint that popular huh. I love mine aside from the odd direct x error occasionally. 2070s performance when tuned for 400usd msrp.


I hope AMD releases a Unreal plugin for their FSR ( FidelityFX Super Resolution) Which does the same thing as Nvidias DLSS, would love to implement it too. Edit: Just seen they made it open source, will try implementing it!


The market for video cards is still ick. I can feel my wallet shrivel at the mention of a new GPU. I am pleasantly surprised by the longevity of my 1070ti

Wolfy Wet Furr

The pose in the first video preview looks exciting! I've got the Nvidia GTX 1070, added my vote to the poll.


I got a 1070 without ti, don't you worry you will be able to play it in with no problem. Hope the aviablility gets better soon :3


I have a dual 3090 with the nvlink bridge for A.I. work, but I honestly haven't really done much with it for rendering or particle sims. When u tested DLSS on the 3090 what kind of fps were u getting on the live test? ~I'm curious because of all the fur particles etc.


The Fur Physics calculation is frame dependent, thats why i Capped the Framerat at 60 fps and it maxed out. Would be just changeing a range clamp value to have lets say 144fps support. If you like i add a checkbox in the options menu for that.


GTX 1060Ti here


GTX 1660 Ti for me.


I sold my 2080 ti in january because i needed the money, and i downgraded myself with my old GTX 980. as i‘ve seen the minimal requirements for ANSEL is a GTX 680M, so at least this will work for me ^^. I plan to get the next 4080ti and can‘t wait to set everything on ultra in your next release :D


Hey Sombra♥ Ansel is awesome, you can fully explore every angle and make awesome screenshots. When you enable super sampling inside the ansel menu, you get the same quality as if DLSS would be enabled :3


Dang just a couple hours late, meant to remember, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope progress is coming along, still really excited for some floof overload.