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I was really diligent the last week let me tell you!

Ok lets start with Frost!

I written and implemented a Inverse Kinematic system,

maybe you ask why?

Let me tell you!

It makes it possible to let me specify a End point for lets say an Arm with hand or even YOU but i dont have a scenario for that at the moment.

Sounds exiting.... noooot but it really is!

I am using Blend Spaces for animations (see Animated Gif Above^)

these are awesome for doing interactive animations that YOU control, but they have problems :c

Because the parts between the Poses have "wrong" Hand/ leg/ head Positions,

But I can fix that by just doing more Poses, easy....

no its not :c

I learned that doing to many poses makes the animation not "Fluid" and can bring its own set of problems.

But no worry my fluff loving friend!

Somebody very smart invented Inverse Kinematic, It takes the End location i specify and calculates really fast in reverse how the Rotations of the Bones need to be so it Hits the target position! Thats where the Inverse comes from :3

But now there is a Problem.....

I am a 3d artist and never did IK in a Game engine, and there is a problem i did not knew existed, because i am using "Twist bones" they make that the Hand when it rotates always looks good in respect with the Forearm.

But i learned that the IK system in unreal does not support these Properly, so i needed to Remove these bones, Reskin the Arms and Legs (changeing the order in which the bones are is a huge NONO).

But that means i don't have Twist bones :c

Or not?!

Let me paint you a poopy quality image


You See the Bones are Parented behind each other and this worked always just fine, but is not compatible with my IK system.

So this is it now:

I still have the Twist bones but they are no Parents to any bones, this means i still have only Two bones in the IK system YAY!

And the good thing is i can interpolate automaticly between the Arm and the Twist bone, i just take half of the rotation from the Forearm and half from the hand, always good deformation :3 (ok most of the time :)

It is now much easier making animations for my games, because i dont have to think about how much Floaty Hand movement i get in between poses, the IK does this, i just need to specify the End Location and rotation.

How do i get this, this is way to hard and will never work :c

or does it?!

I already have Good Locations with the Blend space Poses, i just need the In between!

so i written a litte chunk if code that takes the Location and rotation from the Pose and only interpolates it when it reaches a Distance between the Actual Hand Location and the Location from the Blend space.

These are the things that are Delaying Frost, its part my own Stupidy because i dont know how to do games (yet) and my own ambition someday making the best furry out there!

Because of that i experimented with Real next gen Fur, (see video Above)

Its not really realtime... we need better graphics cards NOW!!!! :D

but yea this is completly simulated and runs with 4 frames per second....

soon.... soon.

So you may ask, Furrier you lazy fluffball is this all?


got something for you :3

you know this IK System was a real Challenge for me, i did not knew if it would work or if i would just waste a week of work with it.

So i was thinking: 

Hey i can do a little Minigame to experiment with it and if it does not work with frost i still have something to play for You♥.

So i made a Minigame this week, its not finished but playable and fun.

You may remember my previous Releases called "Dream" One was a short video, one was a minigame with Rebecca and now there is Dream³!

there are still some things missing but you can read it in the Post above, because i will post it in just a few minutes :3

And something else,

I like to thank YOU♥, i know Frost is much late, its my passion project and i really appreciate your patience with me.

I will make sure the wait is worth it!

But many people are looking for Harem 1.0 because of that i will now work one week on Harem and One on Frost so you should expect a Release of both not that far in the Future!

I've learned so many things i did not even knew about half a year ago, you can not imagine how exited i am ^^


Your Furrier


Little Fluffball

A advanced Hair and Fur Simulation, very much fluffy


Wayne sills

Keep u the great work can't wait to see more ❤️


you are so fast ^^ look at the post above and tell me in the comments what you like to see, (just read the last part of the post) ♥u wayne :3


Hype is still real!


hihi ^^ you are already on my personal pre alpha tester list mac!


Loving the improvements you've made so far, Furrier. I can't wait, this is going to be awesome


Now I am already more than busy waiting for the final release, I can hardly wait for it <3


Hey Furrier, I'm happy to hear something from you and I think the same about the others. ^^ Are you still working with the Unreal Enginge?


Ze unreal motor is running all the time 🤭 and thanks to you awesome folks I finally begin to know what I am doing with it. It's much to learn but a lot of FUN! https://youtu.be/g_y15ozNchY