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Many new exiting things are happening and i like to give you a quick Update :3

Fantasy Harem Fluffy:

Making good progress, what have i done the last weeks with that Project?

Most important i have Redone all of the Code, for the Fourth time now :x

I've learned so many new things and i feel the current one is the last time i made it from scratch.

What changed?

Everything is now much cleaner and easier to expand with new fatures,

there is now a Character base class, on which all other Characters are children from, and when they are interacting they actually spawn a Control actor that as the name tells controls them, that means the Code for all the fun stuff is nice and clean packed inside these Event Actors, and no more in the characters.

This will help me a'lot expanding the game with all kinds of Fun Features, such as

Fun things now can happen when you drink the shrinking potion, but you need to be carefull so no accidents happens....

If something goes wrong you now go actually to either Heaven or Hell, (no worry there is a way out of there if you try ;)

I decided to scrap the Halloween Special, i was feeling that the content i made for it would fit much better into Fluffy, these angels will wait for you in heaven and in hell well there is going to be a very dominant Tigress waiting just for you!

I now nearly finished writing the Gamed Design Document, so what will the game be about?

The screenshot you see above this Post, is a rought version of the World, you can freely explore the World, meet new characters and experience freaky stuff everywhere.

All of these Characters are already nearly finished, the missing thumbnail ones are just not imported.

That Drider one is one of my favorites, she is one of the Rare ones that are really evil, and will catch you into her web if you are not carfull....

We got a Wolf (Fur will be added later, this screenshot was made inside Zbrush)

And a Horse needs to be there too! Still need to have a awesome maine for it!

Mirage will give you quests, in return you get Potions that will for example, shrink you so you can explore new places and events, or will make you to a ZeMan which will make you stronger and unlocks other parts of this world.

There is also going to be a basic inventory for all kinds of fun stuff.

Sometimes i dont know when to stop, used one full day on making that Pyramid,

This will be a Quest goal, but there are many others planned, 

on the map you see a Desert in the Middle, some mountains in the distance and a River Delta in the foreground, everything not detailed at the moment but i am working on that!

And i already finished a nice and complex graphic system, it works complete on its own and i am a bit proud of it ^^ now you get to decide of you like to play it with 120 fps or bringing your graphics card to melt YaY!

Other stuff:

I like to thank you very very much for your support!

since last month i got so many new Patrons, and reached my long term goals all at once, i still can't believe it...

I already talked with my current employer, and from december on i will work part time, and early next year (if you still wanna support me) i will completly go 100% into making games for You♥

I love making games and it was always a dream for me doing what i love the most for a living, 

I can only Thank You♥ for your trust and i give You the promise i will always do my best! 

Since the last year i've learned sooooo much new and exiting things, and i will continue now that i got more time doing what i love the most.

Will keep you updated on everything!


Your Furrier.



Wayne sills

Thx for the hard time u done and a great game you made and thank you 💞

Wolfy Wet Furr

Oh my gosh! That's Incredibly exciting news for me! So much of these updates made my heart flutter with joy. Thank you for sharing. I'll try to be more detailed after I get back home from family visits. <3

ren andrews

Can't wait to see more I loving what I am seeing.

Tyler Baker

Can’t wait to see and play this. It looks great




God i really hope theres some vr planned for this


The game is tripling in size each preview!


just because i slowly implementing everything i made the past months. i was not sleeping :3


Basic vr support yes, still need to get my own vr headset, which one are you using btw?


Hey Furrier, I'm really looking forward to the game and that I will have a lot of play. ♥♥♥ You have made it so far through your work and dedication that makes me very happy. ♥♥♥♥


Making improvements in strides. The game portion seems fun, maybe you can unlock special sex partners this way? :P Glad to see the wolf and horse addition too :D