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Sadly i need to say that i had a emergency in my family and i wasnt home this week, so the Halloween Game will be Delayed for a short time, so i have time to finish it.

It will be just a few days and it will be fun, guaranteed!

I just got home after a long drive, and i just want to inform you and 

wish you all a Fun Halloween!


Toxobite .

Do what you need to do. Your fans will be here to support you. "Sending good vibes"

Tyler Baker

Sending prayers and love to you and your family


That's not a problem ^^ Family comes first, that should be clear to everyone. I wish you and your family all the best

ren andrews

I wish best wish I hope ever thing works out.

Wolfy Wet Furr

Thanks for letting us know, I hope it all pans out okay.

Haseo Maxwell

hope everything gets better and be safe


thank you, everything is fine now, and i make very good progress fluffy stuff is on the horizon :3


thank you, making good progress :3


thank you, everything is fine now and i make very good progress, epic fluffy stuff is on the way! :3


All the best to you.


Is everything going alright over there? This Halloween special is about to be a Thanksgiving special.


Everything good thank you❤️ it is just that I was not happy with that special and decided to concentrate on the new fantasy harem update. But no worry I added what I made for the Halloween game to it as kind of Easter egg you can go to hell or heaven now. This also means that fantasy harem 0.9 will come much sooner than expected. Next week I will have some free time from my main job, will update you all next Friday! Just a bit more time 🙂


Heaven OR hell? I wonder what the criteria for each one will be . Personally, i hear that hell is rather cozy this time of year 😀.