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Day 1:

It's my first day as a temp for a food services company. My assignment is for the next 8-10 months at a medical company's in-building catering staff & restaurant. My first day and they need me to help serve as wait staff. It was their lunch rush and I was moving up and around so much. As the crowds started to leave, I realized I never was tipped by anyone. I was told that despite being the company's in-house staff, there should be a few tips coming my way. I noticed the other girls, who have been here a month or two longer than me, all got tips. That's when I noticed the common thing among them. They were all quite busty and curvy. The realization came to me that maybe this is what I should expect daily from this job. For the rest of the day, I hid in the corner and played on my phone. Maybe I can get out of this gig soon.

3rd Month:

Many of the other girls I worked with quit and there always seems to be a constant inflow of new wait staff. Amongst the medical company, I've developed a set of regulars where I'm always asked to work their tables. They're a rather big group of chemists and researchers, maybe 10 - 15. My work days don't leave me with much down time because of them. Along with that, I must be one of the longer employed waitresses here and luckily, I've grown into one of the bustiest. Maybe I'm a late bloomer, puberty was delayed, or something. Eitherway, I'm really enjoying the tips going my way. The past few weeks I've noticed that I'm up a cup size and despite my friends chortling about me getting some secret implants, I'm really enjoying the much larger tips. If I grow just a bit more, I just have to ask my manager if my uniform's shirt is available in a bigger size.

5th Month:

My manager reminds me that since I'm temp staff, they won't be assigning me a new shirt for my uniform. He mentions that if I don't like it I can buy one. I would, but the one required is some absurd price. This has been the 6th or 7th time I've joked to my manager that I'm gonna probably put someone in the hospital when a button finally snaps. It's alittle embarrasing that I've grown a bit larger, but at the same time my tips have grown as well, so it's easy for me to store those emotions and keep composure. The other senior temps have all quit by now, so, by default, I'm the leader of all us temps. A few of the newest girls nickname me bubbles, but one asks why I tolerate the size. Well, it's not like I can control what my body is doing, can I?

6th Month:

My regulars are always there at the same time, everyday, at the company restaurant. I've been listed as exempt from catering events elsewhere in the building during those times. The restaurant is mostly empty at that time so I'm usually the only one working tables. My regulars are always excited to see me, they've all adopted a pet name for me. Bubbles, they say, despite most of the girls who gave me that name being long gone. It makes me feel good to be wanted like this atleast. When the meal is done, I usually get a pat on the back from the head of their table, some try to coax a hug. Afterwards, I return to the catering break room. There was some giggling from some of the newest temps. I asked what was up and one chimed quickly about why I was still here despite the obvious changes. I look down to my bursting shirt, wonder to myself, and feel alittle embarrased at what I see. I've been here almost twice as long as any temp and my breasts have grown so much. I never did bother to replace this shirt, but I must've sewn reinforcements to the buttons on more than a few occasions. Are the changes coming from an outside source? Am I blind to what's causing it?

8th Month:

I'm nearing the end of the temp team's assignment. Awhile ago I confronted a researcher about what I've experienced and, surprisingly, he confessed. He told me about the chemists and researchers playing this 'prank' on the temps. Causing the breasts of the other girls to enhance a little bit, sorta like a shift in water weight. They wanted to show off some of their work while also making co-workers alittle hot and bothered. They said it wasn't much harm since all the temps got quite a bit of tips from their troubles. Then they started to focus in on me since I seemed more willing to continue waiting their tables despite my changes. A shocked feeling came over me that I never really noticed what the other girls quickly noticed. I asked if these changes were permanent and he said no, hence the 'prank' nature of it. Fumbling a bit with my words, I asked if they could make this permanent. I was a little embarrased to admit that I didn't hate the changes. Confirming that I wanted to stay at my current size, he said they can figure something out. Walking back into the break room, my manager sees me just to remind me to have atleast three buttons fastened on my uniform. Jokingly, I just buttoned the top one, and headed out to my duties. I grew a bit in the past few days so I didn't even think I could fasten any other button anyway.



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