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november 13th-19th.

happy monday (or tuesday most likely, depending on your timezone) everyone !! i'm still very much swamped with assignments right now so my motivation to write is pretty low (by the time i get around to it, all i want to do is rot in bed) but i'm really happy with how things are turning out already.

i feel like i'm always saying 'this chapter is super different from the ones i've put out before,' and honestly, i'm tempted to say it again, but it's kind of not true this time. chapter eleven, as little as i've written for it, is shaping out to be most similar to chapters one and two. i say this mostly because it's currently more plot-focused than relationship-focused. however, this doesn't mean the characters don't show up—you already know you have the chance to see/are seeing Blane. we're at a really crucial point before the romance lock so it would be pretty stupid if i didn't give you time to interact with the ros. then again, i can be pretty stupid sometimes... but not this time, i swear! 

whereas in chapters one and two you were still getting a grasp of the world, chapter eleven is one where you're already (hopefully) accustomed to everything. the opening conversations in this chapter are building upon a topic that's been piling up for a while now: supernaturals. chapter one introduced you to Rylan and the concept of bounties and chapter two let you debrief that. chapter eleven gives you some of your final (if not final) choices to decide your stance on the supernatural world, therefore changing how you go about your work. of course, i'm still focusing on Caine in this chapter (he's kind of integral to the plot), but it's taking a bit of a backseat again for the drug issue discussed with Ciel in the last chapter. everything's going to tie together in the end anyway, so it's not like i'm neglecting that plot point. merely developing another one that has had less time so far.

for next week, i'm hoping to push through more of the scene i'm currently writing and kind of figure out my footing. i think i mentioned this last week, but chapter eleven opens up to two branches. the first involves Blane, as you can see by the sneak peeks and the second involves some ros i don't want to mention yet. as i also said last week, i figured out what i was doing for this chapter. despite that, however, this is still my least planned chapter so far, which is freeing and nerve-wracking at the same time. once i get in the groove of things though, i know it'll be fine. 

hope everyone is doing well <3


474,446 words (+1.7k)

sneak peek.

[Blane] looks like they just rolled out of bed, hair messy and bags prominent under their eyes.



If I’m reading that correctly, you still wrote 1.700 words for the chapter, that’s pretty good progress not gonna lie.