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november 6th-12th.

apologies for the late update, again. seasonal depression is hitting hard and daylight savings only screwed me up. i've also been hammered with homework lately and, ugh. the life of a university student. i can't wait until i graduate this year. with everything happening in my life i haven't found time to write. i think i wrote the entirety of this week's update in a day and the rest of the six days saw me just sleeping or doing assignments.

on the bright side, i've finally, finally figured out what i'm doing for this chapter and eek. whenever i sort things out, i get excited to write and regain my motivation all over again. it's just a matter of finding that time now but at least i'm not dreading opening my document now. unfortunately, this meant deleting the 200 words i wrote last week (such a loss, truly) but i'd rather that than not know what i'm doing.

since i don't have much to say, i'll reveal that once again, this chapter opens up with a branch. i actually had some hesitance against it at first because i thought perhaps my game had too many branches. i even did a little count of all the branches in my game to ease my anxieties—not that it really did much (almost every chapter branches out in some shape or form). after that, i kind of sat there and thought about it, thought about what i enjoy when i read an if and what i'd want to see if i was a player. i came to the conclusion that it was mostly just my mind being silly. we're at chapter eleven—it's kind of inevitable that things branch out. if they didn't, i think i'd actually be a little concerned. and many of the branches featured in my game are just chances for you to develop your relationship with an ro. it's not really a branch in the sense that you get the same information across all of them, regardless of who you choose. besides, i like that my game has so much customization. i don't want to assume, but i also think that's why many people like wts as well.

there are only two branches i'll be writing in chapter eleven, so it won't feel like a repeat of chapter ten either—another concern of mine. the closer we get to the end, the more excited i get but also, the more anxious i become. i don't feel restricted with what i can write not (quite the opposite, really) but i've found i need to be more cautious. still, i'm very excited to find some time to sit down and write. i hope things continue to live up to expectations.


472,712 words (+712)

sneak peek.

A week I'm hanging onto a thread, had barrelled forward with nothing but restlessness and determination—who am I to say it means something?



Glad to hear that you figured it out!! Thats always exciting :D Also personally I don't mind the branching (provided it's not a nightmare coding or anything) as I always love incentives to make different runs/see different flavor text! (Even if it requires a lot of willpower not to do the A variables I know I love 🤣🤣) Hopefully school gets less crazy for you and you recover from daylight savings quickly!! Have a great week! 🤗


eek thanks !! i was hoping someone would say they like branching haha. it is a pain in the butt to code but i feel like i’m used to it now 😭 hope you have a great week as well !