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it feels like forever since i last did one of these but in reality, it's only been the standard week. weird. part of it is probably because i did so much this week. as most of you know, i recently published an anniversary special with early release on patreon. a few of you have already expressed that you enjoyed reading it which makes me so happy! i spent a good chunk of my time working on that so it means a lot. 

this also means, however, that for chapter seven was more limited. regardless, i did sit down yesterday and tonight and finally, finally got some writing in for it. the last time i'd open that doc was sometime in january, which tells you how long it's been. i had to do a bit of a read back to see what i'd already said and didn't, but it wasn't that hard to get back into the groove of it. i have an entire outline of the chapter planned but a lot of the introduction to Mirai is me winging it, which is why i got a little confused.

speaking of, i've talked before about how much i adore Mirai but i'll say it again: she's amazing. my goal with writing her is to make her come off as a nonchalant type of danger, the kind that makes your palms sweat and results in you holding your breath as you wait to see what her reaction will be. so far, i think i've achieved that, but i'm not far into the chapter yet so i'll have to see if i can keep it up. i have a week off from school this week (still homework though, rip) so hopefully, i'll have tons of time to write.

another thing that will probably be interesting to explore in this chapter is K's dynamic with Mirai. K is someone that has yet to interact with many side characters yet. you've only seen them with Quinn, so it'll be nice to introduce someone else into the mix and illustrate how they can be when they're comfortable around someone. i wouldn't describe K and Mirai as friends by any means, but when you're an immortal and are as powerful as the two of them are, you tend to keep in touch with one another—even if you don't choose to.


yeah, didn't touch this one. i did want to add this bit in here though because i think i'm going to do one to two character introductions a week and then reveal the plot of my next wip. all of this will of course be before any of it is posted on tumblr so for those in the midnight tier, you'll be getting a first-hand glimpse.


  • 228,643 words (+ 1.8k)

* includes word count from chapter seven only.


“Yes,” Mirai answers. Her pronunciation exaggerates the length of the word. With her blank stare and the slight curl of her lip, she looks like a predator examining her prey. “Here you are. I hope you don’t plan on wasting my time anymore than you have.”
— taken from chapter 07.


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