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hey, so funny story: we're changing gears. i'll start how i usually do and describe what i did for the twine build, aka chapter three. i was hoping to have it all finished by now but i had a bit of an... eventful day yesterday which prevented me from working on it, both physically and mentally. i only have the lab, filing room and announcement left, so i'm certain i'll be able to upload all of it. fingers crossed.

in terms of chapter seven, i don't think i touched the doc the entire week. oops. but i swear i have a reason: i'm working on an anniversary special.

many of you have already seen the sneak peek for it and know about it, but this is the first time i've said the words this straight up. damn. if you saw my poll on tumblr, that's what this was for. not very subtle, am i? in terms of what the special is, it's a collection of short stories with each ro from their pov in the crush stage, as that's what won the vote. most of the stories will be romantic but if i have time, i'm going to try and add in a platonic 'route' for each.

i don't anticipate it to be very long. each story might fall into the two thousand word range, with one to two choices in each (for my own sake), so in total, it might round up to ten thousand. the main reason for this is because i didn't know if i'd be able to write this special to begin with. i've had so much happening in my life recently with school and mental health and multitasking all these projects at once that i wasn't sure if i'd be able to handle another. but it's happening and i couldn't be more excited.

i wrote most of A's story for it last night which was adorable. it just kind of came out of me. i sat down and half an hour later i was writing my concluding sentence. i'm extremely comfortable writing A's relationship with the hunter which may have been part of the reason why, but whatever it was, i'm glad that i got things done. as for everyone else, i have all of the other ros' stories and settings planned out so it's just a matter of writing it. if i set aside a day for each ro, i should theoretically have this done in time for my anniversary on the 24th. and if i have it done earlier, i'll release it on here for early access. 


how many weeks will i say that i don't have much to report here? i don't know. i want to say this is the last week but with the twine build and now the anniversary special, this is taking the backburner—again. 

in other news, i'm comfortable enough with this story to perhaps do some character introductions, so if you're on my midnight tier expect those sometime this month!! if i have time this week, i think i'm going to try and work on the twine build for this story a bit, but i'll have to see if i end up having time for it. let's hope.


A long stretch of silence follows. A can almost feel [name] falling asleep on the other line. They have a vision of draping a blanket over [them] and kissing [their] forehead goodnight before they shake it off.
— taken from the upcoming anniversary special.


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