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june 3rd-9th.

hi! sorry about the lateness again; i've had such a hectic couple of days. i graduated on monday and got my diploma and jugsjkfskjfkskfsk it's so weird. and then yesterday i had the headache of all headaches so here i am, writing the monday update on wednesday. again.

i'm happy to say, however, that things are going well on my side! writing wise, i mean. i'm hoping to set up a more rigid writing schedule so i can get more done (and get this out to you quicker, because honestly having chapter eleven in the drafts for this long is also making ME anxious). i want to go back to my peak of writing like, 5000 words a week so we will see. that's the goal. theoretically, i should be able to do it, considering i'm unemployed right now and out of school. i love it here <3

i think i mentioned it in my monthly update on tumblr, but the other week i wrote a scene where Rylan blushes (!!) and i was this close to giggling and kicking my feet. it made me think about Blane, since they're the other branch i'm currently working on, and how i'm going to develop their romance with the hunter.

i'm going to think out loud, so bear with me, but, recently, my mind has been drifting to their first kiss scene and how it'll happen. i mostly have everyone else figured out (a sneak peek, in no particular order: heartfelt confessions, blurting out feelings, hands on cheeks, maybe a few tears?) but because Blane has a rivals-to-lovers route AND a coworkers (one-sided rivalry) to lovers route, i'm torn. i initially wanted the former to be this intense confession where the two yell at each other before impulsively kissing and the latter to be a little softer, but now i'm like, hmm maybe i should swap them? or maybe make like, four routes? where you can do an intense and soft confession on both routes? gah. i don't know. this is very much in the future (or, i guess it's not anymore) so i have time to think about it, but i thought i'd ramble on about it now just to give you an idea of my headspace.

in some ways, this also applies to Rylan. i mean, their rivalry (if you continuously choose to be mean to them) with the hunter isn't as vicious as Blane's, but it's still there in some capacity. so yeah. to yell or not, i guess is the question. or maybe i'll come up with something completely different later on. who knows?

anyway, that's the update. a lot of this was hypothetical and focused on the romantic aspect of the game, so i apologize if you're not into that, but i actually think writing this down has helped. feel free to leave any thoughts below <3 take care!!

sneak peek.

K's expression is blank, cold, but, for a moment, as their head tilts to the side, I catch a glimpse of curiosity in their eyes.



An intense confession scene with Blane. I’m weak.