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april 15th-22nd.

hiiii. i hope everyone is doing well !! what has everyone been up to lately? i, for one, discovered that april is not a camping month in canada. so if anyone was wondering where that sneak peek was over the weekend, it wasn't posted because i was too busy bundled up under five blankets trying not to get hypothermia to type anything.

on that note, i'll get a sneak peek up within the next couple of days, as well as a new drabble posted today or tomorrow.

now, onto chapter eleven, progress has been good! i don't know if i'll ever reach the writing speed i was at last year, but for now, i'm just happy that i want to write. i've set a soft goal for myself to write 3/4 of the chapter by the end of may (i'm also going on vacation at the end of that month, so it's even more of a time crunch), but i'm not going to be too hard on myself if it doesn't happen. a lot of you have told me that i need to be nicer to myself, so, for once, i'm going to take your advice. a harder goal will be to get the chapter out sometime in june. it's been a lot longer of a wait than i anticipated, so i appreciate everyone being so patient.

as i said last week, i shifted gears from writing Blane's scene to K's and Rylan's and gosh, it's actually such a breath of fresh air. Blane is so awkward and Rylan is just... not. their developments couldn't be further from each other, so it's been nice to look at things from a different perspective. i have, however, been trying to showcase Rylan as a more complicated character as the story goes on. chapter ten revealed that they were still wary of the hunter, but couldn't stay away from them. chapter eleven follows a similar pattern, but with K here, it becomes even more crucial to them to keep their walls up; K is exactly the buffer they need. does this end up working for them though? ehhhh not really.

K is a similar case. they're dragged to the hunter's apartment per Rylan's request and, for most of the scene, are confused as to why they let it happen. why are they not protesting to this like they usually do? why is it important to them to check on the hunter after Rylan mentioned they might not be doing so hot? it's a tumble of emotions for everyone, and boy is it fun to write about.

hopefully, i'll be able to speak on it more next week when i get some more writing in. thanks for reading <33

sneak peek.

I'm not surprised to see [K] staring back at me.



Yay!! Glad you didn't get hypothermia and you're not putting too much pressure on yourself Kristi!! It'll be great whenever it comes out ^^ That Rylan and K scene sounds so fun (in an angsty way, yesssss) Maybe we're finally successfully getting more walls down juuuusssttt a smidge for our grumpy lovable warlock 🥺🥺

Skippy Hugo

I was thinking about the story the other night, wondering what (if any) things from the past might crop up in the next few chapters, like the whole "Rylan being a bounty because a woman died."