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this is from my first draft of chapter eleven (the horrendous one with the Nalani acronym, yes) before the big cut. it's a scene that showcases Blane being (surprisingly) understanding and kind about the situation, with the Hunter having a mental breakdown on the side. these two plot points still happen in the new draft, though differently, so i figured this would be okay to share.

as silly as the acronym idea was, i liked how it demonstrated that the stress has gotten to the Hunter. of course, i do realize that not everyone is going to play their main character as someone stressed out by everything (who knows, maybe your hunter is doing perfectly fine!), but it was fun to explore nonetheless.

but, if you liked reading this, you'll likely see something similar in the final version of chapter eleven so don't fret. remember, i'm still working out different kinks and whatnot :)



Skippy Hugo

I definitely feel like in my playthrough of the last chapter, the Hunter is, like A, exhausted. And I just personally find it amusing how certain supes in the story criticise IAOS, when they're just as selfish and hypocritical.