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Hey Homies,

My ADHD was in high gear this week and I think that the development reflects that.  I feel like every day I was bouncing from one thing to another.  I honestly can't even explain how or why that happened, but that's why there are only tiny little bumps in most of the numbers.

I'm still stuck on S9's script, so I've been focusing elsewhere in the meantime.  I keep flip-flopping on the direction I want to take with the scene, and since it's a potentially important moment, I really want to make sure that I do it right!  I know that I'll figure it out eventually though.  

I also wrapped up one of the outros!  Told you it was short!

However...  I've been slowly hashing out the second outro, but I'm hitting a bit of a wall there as well.  My heart wants to "Go Big or Go Home" but my brain keeps telling me to tone it down a little for the sake of both my sanity and the development timeline.  As usual, the glutton in me will probably win out in the end, and the scene will likely end up being bigger than originally planned.

Oh, and I also finished the initial testing round of S8 and tested what I could of S9.

That's all I've got for you this week!
Much love!




You rock!