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Hey Homies,

I'll be honest, this was one hell of a bad week for me.  I spent the majority of it sick AF, with so much pressure in my sinuses that I could barely see.  It might have been COVID, but I've never had it before, as far as I know, and they weren't the typical symptoms that I was aware of so by the time someone suggested that's what it might have been it was too late to test for it.  

Long story short, I did the best I could this week, and I was at least able to work an hour or two at a time here and there.  Still, I did make some progress despite being in bed most of the time...  I scripted and rendered what I could, I tested all the finished content for S7, and I figured out some dumb coding that was giving me a lot of trouble the last time I was working on this section.  It's amazing how sometimes the smallest coding problems can require the largest solutions.

Anyway, I'm sorry that I have a shitty immune system.  I promise that I've been taking my vitamins and eating my veggies all week.  I swear!  Thankfully, I've been feeling progressively better every day since Thursday so I hope to get some proper work done this week!

Hope you all have a good one, and I'll be making a couple of subscriber posts this week so keep your eyes open!
Much love!




Thank you ✌️. Hope you get to feeling much better