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Hey everyone,

Testing is going smoothly for the most part. There was a minor hiccup this week, but nothing that wasn't promptly fixed.

Long story short, my 7 most recent animations had a frame rate issue. I wasted a bunch of time stressing out and attempting to re-render them before I realized I was being a moron and I simply lowered the frame rate on the existing animations. They might not be as smooth as intended anymore, but it sure beats wasting another two weeks trying to fix the problem the hard way.

Speaking of...
I think it's safe to say that I should be able to wrap up this update within the next couple of weeks! Of course, there's still a strong possibility that I'll get OCD over things and spend way too much time worrying about the story's pacing, audio balancing, continuity, and a bunch of other shit I'm sure will pop up in the 11th hour. Most of which generally don't matter to most people. However, I wouldn't be giving an estimated date if I wasn't at least reasonably sure that I could meet it.

Regardless, this is likely one of the last 2 or 3 reports before I start dropping the update!
Thanks for sticking around, despite my life conspiring to keep my dev workflow limited!
Much love!




thank you :)


I'm way to excited for this to come!!