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Six Word Summary:

  1. Sakura Tetsu smeared with catgirl feces

After finishing it:

  1. Several manga in a harem trench-coat



  • Tokyo Demon Bride Story / 大東京鬼嫁伝 / Dai Toukyou Oniyome Den


  • Nakama, Tadaichi 仲間只一
    • Nah-kah-mah, Tah-dah-ee-chee


  • Hanafuda, Jinta
    • Hah-nah-fɯ-dah, Jeen-tah
  • Douji, Manaka
    • Dough-jee, Mah-nah-kah
  • Matsuri
    • Mah-tsɯ-ree
  • Tsumugi
    • Tsɯ-mɯ-ghee
  • Yoshihashi
    • Yo-shee-hah-shee
    • Just means “good bridge”
  • Midorikawa, Keroru
    • Mee-doe-ree-kah-wah, Kay-roe-rɯ
    • “Kero” is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a frog’s ribbiting, so her name basically means “Ribbit Greenriver”
  • Myaako
    • Myah-ah-ko
  • Chinzei, Tanukiyo
    • Cheen-zay, Tah-nɯ-kee-yo
  • Hanafuda, Shinkichi
    • Hah-nah-fɯ-dah, Sheen-kee-chee
  • Kabane
    • Kah-bah-nay
  • Honebami, Mukruro
    • Hoe-neh-bah-mee, Mɯ-kɯ-roe
    • “Mukuro” is a term for a corpse, btw
    • And “hone” means “bone”....so the family name is probably supposed to mean something like “bone-eater”
  • Usakawa Sisters
    • ɯ-sah-kah-wah
  • Utsurogi, Kaido[u?]
    • Ɯ-tsɯ-ro-ghee, Kai-dough
  • Yamadaka, Eiichi
    • Yah-mah-dah-kah, Ey-ee-chee
  • Ranka
    • Rahn-kah
  • Kurobiru-no-Jinya
    • Kɯ-roe-bee-rɯ, no, Jean-yah


  • Hidashin’oh Realm
  • Okuhida Mountains 奥飛騨
    • oh-kɯ-hee-dah
  • Kawanpa
    • Kah-wahm-pah
    • (n before a p or b is pronounced like “m” btw…same sound change as senpai being pronounced like “sempai”)
  • Gasha Dokoron
    • Gah-shah, Doe-ko-rone
    • Probably a play off of “Gasha-Dokuro,” a giant skeleton monster from Japanese myth (I think this came up before in Bone Collection or something) and “ron,” which is a particle that has to do with theories/philosophies/arguments
  • Homuru (houmuru?) Nagi
    • Hoe-mɯ-rɯ Nah-ghee
  • Saishiren 祭士連
    • Sigh-shee-ren
    • Appears to be a constructed word. Uses the kanji for festival/ritual + scholar/warrior + group/chain/acquaintance. Altogether, it suggests something like “ritual warrior corps”
  • Hitodama 人魂
    • Sh’to-dah-man
    • “Hito” [person] is a common word that demonstrates a kinda complicated sound change in Japanese…in rapid speech, the “hi” sounds more like a “sh” that bleeds into the next syllable (“to”). It’s too much to explain here, but just know that whenever you see the common word/particle “hito” in Japanese, it usually sounds more like “shto”
    • Literally written as “person-soul,” these are manifestations of deceased human souls in Japanese folklore that are supposed to look like little floating balls of fire
  • Shuten Murohara 朱天___?
    • Shɯ-ten Mɯ-roe-hah-rah
    • First part is “crimson skies,” dunno what “Murohara” is supposed to be….maybe the “hara” means “belly”?
  • Taizaitou
    • Tie-zai-toe
    • Literally just means “great sin/crime tower”
  • Taizaishuu
    • Tie-zai-shoe
    • Means “great prisoners”

Author - Tadaichi Nakama

  • Prior works:
    • Three one-shots. First is a Golden Future Cup entry in 2017 called Magical Boy X, then Tokyo Grind Horror Channel in 2019, and then the one-shot for this series from 2021.
  • Notable people they were an assistant for:
    • Yuhiro Tsujiji (Snowball Earth)
  • Notable people they had as assistants:
    • Unknown


  • Series it replaced:
    • Doron Dororon by Gen Osuka
  • Series that replaced it:
    • Kill Blue by Tadatoshi Fujimaki (Kuroko’s Basketball, Robot x Laserbeam)
  • Series in same serialisation round:
    • Ginka & Glüna by Shinpei Watanabe

Manga Itself

  • Keroru’s Keroru Blaster in chapter 12 seems to be a reference to Kero Blaster, the game by Daisuke ‘Pixel’ Amaya, almost definitely about how video game publisher Nicalis took advantage of him and his game Cave Story, expressed through the story of a frog being sent out on dangerous missions by an incoherent, increasing bloated cat. Might be a stretch.
  • In the same chapter you get a reference to Jack chopping the door down in Stanley Kubrick’s classic Stephen King adaptation The Shining
  • The first three chapters got a VOMIC on Jump’s youtube channel. Like a comic, but voiced. In Japanese, natch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V4HqXa-I3eI

Oh, the one-shot, too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q33Owm3hugg


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