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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Forerunner has returned, and this is good news.

Upon hearing that the mission was completed, Sun Cheng couldn't help but smile and said, "Completed? Come, tell me more..."

Ten days ago, the Brazilian Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company successfully received the first batch of American military equipment that Sun Cheng had purchased.

Since Sun Cheng was busy, he gave instructions to the mole in the Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company to secretly transport the purchased military equipment to a location in Brazil that Sun Cheng had recently purchased, within a plantation.

Forerunner was then sent to Brazil by Sun Cheng with the task of avoiding human sight and finding a place that human footsteps could not reach, to prepare for the construction of a second base between the vast Amazon rainforest or the vast plateau mountains.

Yes, he had already begun to prepare a new hiding place for himself.

Forerunner immediately projected a map in front of him, pointing to two suitable locations and answered, "I found two suitable locations, one is located in the Amanbai Mountains, where I found an underground cave among the mountains, it is very deep and hidden. The other is in the Mal Mountains near the east coast of Brazil. There is a valley full of miasma in the national park that humans cannot approach..."

He did not choose the rainforest region, which was within Sun Cheng's expectations.

The rainforest region was not a big threat to snakes and beasts, but it was a threat to humans.

However, the Amazon rainforest is full of rivers and is located on the equator, the humid climate is not only a hell for equipment, but also increases the maintenance and consumption of the Core for their mechanical life.

Forerunner then released dozens of sets of photos he took near the locations for Sun Cheng to refer to.

Both locations have their advantages. The miasma valley in the Mal Mountains is closer to the east coast of Brazil and convenient for equipment transportation, but the disadvantage is that it is more exposed.

Compared to this, Sun Cheng preferred the underground cave in the Amanbai Mountains, which is very hidden. Although it would increase the difficulty of transporting equipment, they are after all mechanical life, and climbing over mountains is much more convenient than any human transportation tool.

He then made a decision, "Let's temporarily set it in the underground cave in the Amanbai Mountains. After I confirm the nearby mountain and geological structure, I will purchase materials and equipment through some channels and send them directly to Brazil..."

"Yes, master!"

Forerunner quickly left, leaving Sun Cheng alone in the laboratory. After a moment of silence, he took out a Nokia N73 mobile phone that was only launched in this world last year from a machine in the laboratory.

Holding the phone in front of himself, blue light flashed in Sun Cheng's eyes, and the N73 phone immediately turned on and dialed a number.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

The phone rang for a while, and he heard an impatient voice coming from the phone, "Hello...didn't I tell you not to call me casually..."

The person who answered the phone was a man who spoke English but had a heavy Philadelphia accent.

"Don't talk to me like that, Calvin."

Sun Cheng didn't change his voice and directly asked with his cold electronic tone, "I have already transferred the money to your father's overseas account as you requested. You transferred the two million dollars three days ago. But you still haven't given me an answer about what I asked you to investigate?"

Sun Cheng was impressed by the experience of buying off a mole in the Brazilian Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company, which allowed him to successfully bypass the attention of the American intelligence agency and gain a lot of American military equipment.

His identity in this time and space is a mechanical life form from the Cybertron Planet, destined not to easily appear in front of humans.

However, there are still many things that cannot be solved through the Internet, and Sun Cheng also needs some humans, especially those with energy, to serve him.

After the Battle of Las Vegas, he had the idea of ​​establishing a human intelligence network specifically for himself in this world.

Later, in order to grasp the movements of the US government as soon as possible, Sun Cheng especially wanted to know where Megatron and Blackout's remains were placed by the US military, and how far the cooperation between the US government and the Autobots had progressed.

Therefore, while digesting the dividends of the Battle of Las Vegas, he did not forget to start his own layout.

The United States has the world's largest intelligence agency, with as many as a dozen intelligence agencies from government departments to the navy, army, and air force.

In this timeline, the Russian newspaper "Truth" once published an article in 2006, speculating that there were more than 270,000 employees working for its dozens of intelligence agencies in the United States alone.

The Russian statistics obviously exaggerated the facts, but the vast size of the US intelligence community is indeed obvious.

However, the numerous and complex personnel of the US intelligence agencies provided Sun Cheng with a lot of convenience.

Using his network intrusion capabilities, Sun Cheng quickly obtained some information about the management of US intelligence agencies.

He then monitored the banking and expenditure data of their personal and family members around the world one by one. Soon, some dirty guys entered Sun Cheng's sight and became his prey.

One of the most valuable targets was Calvin Brennen, a supervisory intelligence analyst assistant director who worked in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

This guy was really not an ordinary person. Having served in the army and worked for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, a subordinate agency of the US Department of Defense, for nearly ten years, he had extremely strong counter-intelligence abilities.

Even when Sun Cheng tried to contact Calvin for the first time using the identity of a Russian military attaché, he actually recorded the conversation.

So the next day, he learned the news that the unlucky Russian military attaché, whose identity he had used, was trapped by the FBI and expelled from the United States.

Unfortunately, although Calvin appeared to be righteous and dedicated, Sun Cheng had obtained a handle that he had to work for himself.

A few years ago, this guy fell into the honey trap of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and had sexual relations with a female spy, who threatened him. Since then, under the dollar attack of Mossad, Calvin has been providing intelligence for the other party.

Just the data found by Sun Cheng showed that in the past few years, Calvin had deposited nearly 20 million US dollars in large amounts in bank cards he had processed overseas using the identities of his many relatives, and these funds were ultimately used to purchase a large amount of real estate, gold, jewelry, and even dispersed into some more hidden accounts using the identities of his relatives.

If Sun Cheng couldn't easily invade global banking networks and arbitrarily view every set of information he wanted to investigate, it really wouldn't be easy to catch Calvin.

Calvin himself obviously understood this, so when Sun Cheng contacted him for the second time and mentioned a few casual trading information between him and Mossad, this guy suddenly realized the truth and promised to provide him with some intelligence within his scope of responsibility.

In order to make him feel at ease working for himself, Sun Cheng paid far more generous rewards than Mossad, paying him two million dollars for the first time alone. And his first request was for Calvin to use his position to inquire about information on the appearance of mechanical life in Las Vegas.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 90 Bad Premonition


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