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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After Megatron left, Sun Cheng hesitated whether or not to follow and see what was going on. Suddenly, he saw that the heavily injured Optimus Prime had stood up again.

Although this young new leader of the Autobots was not as strong as Megatron, and was currently heavily injured, Sun Cheng did not dare to have any thoughts towards him. He knew very well that Optimus Prime could easily take care of him.

Without hesitation, Sun Cheng turned back into his reaper drone form and flew towards the location of the All Spark. Although it had only been about ten minutes, and they had the protection of the military base, Sam and the others had not been able to get far. Sun Cheng had only flown for a moment after leaving the base when he detected the energy fluctuations of the All Spark below.


Sam was in despair, completely and utterly hopeless.

The rocket barrage from earlier had covered almost the entire military base.

If it weren't for the girl he had a crush on being there, Sam wouldn't want her to see his weak side. Along with the special forces team that had been protecting him since they left the Sector 7 base, they were still cheering him on. However, Sam might have given up if it weren't for them.

Even so, only seven or eight people survived out of the three Hummers and one infantry vehicle that had charged out of the base.

As they were about to reach the designated meeting point, a heavily armored truck caught up with them and began fighting with Ironhide.


In the midst of the explosion, Ironhide's roar could be heard again and again. "Decepticons, don't even think about taking one more step..."

"Hand over the All Spark..."

The response to Ironhide's words came from a harsh and cold voice, from the mechanical warrior that had transformed from the heavily armored truck. A quick glance at his appearance was enough to tell that he was not much weaker than Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Sam had seen his ferocity inside the base earlier, and Onslaught's short gun had shot down several American fighter jets.

If it was just this one Decepticon attacking, Sam wouldn't have been so desperate, as he still had the powerful Autobot warrior Ironhide protecting him.

Unfortunately, with Onslaught's arrival, the sound of whistling through the sky soon followed. The group had thought it was a plane sent by the military to support them, but they looked up to see a strange aircraft unlike any on Earth.

Those who had already seen the true form of this strange aircraft couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.

"It's Megatron..."

The African American soldier Robert looked up at the sky with a bitter smile. Apart from a stunned expression, there was no other reaction.

The remaining few special forces soldiers, including William, were not much stronger than him. Some were trembling, some were pale, and one soldier with slightly weaker psychological resilience even burst into tears silently when Megatron appeared.

"We're finished..."

This desperate sentence was spoken by an American special forces soldier, but it made Sam want to nod in agreement.

Yes, he had the same thought now.

"Sam, protect the All Spark cube!"

William, who had recently become a father, was the first to react. He took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm his shaking voice, and faced Sam with a serious expression. "We're almost at the safe location. Take this signal flare and go to the safe location. I will contact the plane to take you and the All Spark away!"

As he spoke, he took out a signal flare from his military belt and gave it to Sam.

"After you arrive at the safe location, immediately set off the signal flare. A plane will come to take you away!"

Sam instinctively took the signal flare, but then realized, "No, I can't do it."

He was clearly frightened by the series of battles that had just happened, and his panicked and uneasy expression had angered William. He grabbed Sam's collar and pulled him in front of him, staring at him urgently and scolding him, "Listen! Sam! You are no longer an ordinary high school student. America needs you, and humanity needs you. You must be brave and stand up like a warrior!"

This soldier, who had been caring for him since they met at Sector 7, suddenly looked very serious, scaring Sam immediately. He stared at him with wide eyes, "You must take the All Spark cube away and return it to the hands of the military. We'll hold them off here, even if it's to the death, we'll try to buy you time..."

After finishing his instructions, he turned to the high school girl, Mikaela, who had been inconspicuous beside him, "You too, leave with him!"

With that, he quickly got back into the infantry fighting vehicle and picked up the communicator, calling for backup on the previous channel, "This is xxxx team, current coordinates xxx, xxx, requesting support, requesting support. We are protecting an important person and an important item that concerns the safety of the United States and even all mankind. Please arrange aerial support immediately..."

He called twice in a row before hearing a response from the communicator, "Request received, Raptor team has arrived in your airspace. Please call for help on channel xxx. Withdraw to location xxxx as soon as possible, and I will arrange a helicopter for you..."

"xxxx team received, we are..."

Before Captain William could finish his sentence, the infantry fighting vehicle suddenly shook violently.

When he regained his senses and looked outside, he was horrified to see that Megatron had already landed from the sky and seemed to feel that the All Spark had fallen into his palm, and was now playing with them.


He lifted the infantry fighting vehicle, which weighed over 20 tons, and let it roll on the ground for several laps before walking slowly towards them, shouting coldly at the infantry vehicle, "Hand over the All Spark, boy!"

Although most of the people in the fighting vehicle were dizzy and disoriented after the previous rolling, they were mostly just scratched.

As soon as the fighting vehicle stabilized, the physically fittest black soldier, Robert, kicked open the door and jumped out of the infantry fighting vehicle.

"Quick, Sam, take the All Spark cube with you..."

After Robert and William came out, they dragged Sam and Mikaela out first.

Megatron watched them with interest, still walking towards them without haste. When he saw Sam holding the All Spark, a terrible cold smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, he suddenly pulled out his weapon and aimed it at the infantry fighting vehicle, firing a shot.


William and Robert shouted in despair and tackled Sam and Mikaela. In the next moment, the violent explosion immediately took the lives of several soldiers who were still trapped in the infantry fighting vehicle and had not yet escaped. The shock wave and flying metal fragments caused countless wounds on the four of them.


Sam coughed and stood up. He was well protected by Robert and William and was not seriously injured except for some scratches. However, because he fell with the All Spark cube and was pressed against his chest for a while, he was coughing uncontrollably.

Shaking his dizzy head, Sam quickly realized his situation and looked at Megatron, but saw him lifting his weapon again, this time aiming at himself.

"Am I going to die?"

Sam swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a reluctant look at Mikaela, who had a few bloody scratches on her face but still looked sexy and charming. He felt an inexplicable calmness in his heart.

Just as he was regretting and preparing to face his imminent death, a roar came from another direction. Almost at the moment the sound rang out, Megatron, who was standing high and looking down on him, was blasted away.

"Megatron, you won't get the All Spark!"

The familiar and majestic mechanical voice made Sam feel a glimmer of hope. He quickly looked for the source of the voice and saw a red and blue warrior holding a weapon standing tens of meters away. It was none other than his old friend, the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime.

"Sam, go quickly..."

After shouting to him, Optimus Prime immediately rushed towards Megatron.

"Hmph... I spared your life earlier, but now that you're looking for death, go ahead and die!" With a cold snort, an angry Megatron transformed into a flying mode and charged towards him.

Two super mechanical warriors were fighting each other, even though the Decepticons were powerful and Optimus Prime was badly injured, a live dog is better than a dead lion, he could at least hold Megatron for a while.

William, Robert and the others returned to Sam's side. They suffered a lot of injuries in the explosion just now while protecting him and Mikaela. Even though they were wearing bulletproof vests, they were still badly wounded. Poor Robert's left eye was even pierced by flying debris and it looked like it was ruined.

"Sam, let's go...we need support..." William helped the weak Robert and urged Sam, who was anxiously watching Optimus Prime fight Megatron.

Mikaela also advised, "Yes, Sam, we can't help them by staying here. Let's go..."

Sam naturally knew this, although he was worried about Optimus Prime, he still nodded. The four of them supported each other and were about to go to the evacuation point when they suddenly heard a whistle from above the sky. The four of them, who were nervous because of the change, immediately looked up and soon showed a smile.

"It's the Raptors..."

William licked his dry lips excitedly and said, "Our planes are here to support us..."

In the sky, at this time, six of the latest fourth-generation fighter jets of the US military, F-22 Raptors, were flying over them in formation. It seems that they have noticed the situation on the ground and are hovering above the four of them.

"Call the Raptors, we are the xxxx team. We are escorting an important person and an important item related to the safety of humanity. Please provide us with support immediately..." William took out a single soldier communication device from Robert's back waist and quickly adjusted it to the designated frequency, trying to get in touch with the F-22 Raptors.

He was not disappointed, and the affirmative answer came quickly, "Raptors received, we will provide support for you immediately..."

Sam also reacted at this time, snatched the communicator from his mouth, and looked at Megatron, who was about to kill Optimus Prime, who was fighting the red and blue tall car robot, and shouted loudly, "Do you see the silver robot fighting? Aim all your missiles at him..."

"Raptor, received..."

Soon, dozens of various types of missiles whizzed down from the sky and accurately hit Megatron, who was constantly being hit by explosions.

"Did it work?" Mikaela stared at Megatron, who was constantly being hit by missiles and explosions around him, excited and anxious.


Robert's smile only lasted for a moment and then became ugly again.

"Our missiles can't cause any more damage to him..."

William looked at Megatron, who had eaten dozens of missiles but still had hardly any wounds, and couldn't help but feel depressed.

He could see clearly that the Sidewinder missiles, GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions, and GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs launched from the F-22 Raptors, even if they hit Megatron, could only leave some white marks and dents on his mechanical body.

The only thing that could cause damage to him was the high-explosive and armor-piercing AIM-120, but they only added dozens of small cracks on Megatron's mechanical body, causing his armor to start falling off and exposing his Spark.

In terms of damage, one AIM-120 was only slightly more powerful than one rocket.

The strongest fighter jet in human history, after firing all of its carried missiles, only had its aircraft cannon as its weapon, but the aircraft cannon could not cause any damage to Megatron.

So, soon after arriving at the battlefield, the Raptors team found embarrassingly that they were useless.

"Disgusting creature..."

After being bombarded by the Raptors, Megatron was naturally extremely angry. Seeing that they could only use aircraft cannons to deal with him after firing missiles, he coldly tore off another arm of Optimus Prime and threw it far away. Then, with a wicked sense of humor, he kicked him over to Sam's side.

After doing all this, Megatron finally looked up at the sky. In the next second, he immediately transformed into his aircraft form and flew at the fastest speed into the sky. Before the Raptors could react, he flew to the side of an F-22 fighter and fired two rounds of energy blast from his wings, causing it to explode in mid-air.

As if unaffected by the explosion at all, he quickly approached another F-22 hundreds of meters away. After reaching the top of it, Megatron suddenly transformed back into his humanoid form and landed on the back of the Raptor. He grabbed one side of the wing with one hand and summoned his weapon with the other, aiming at the F-22 fighter below and fired a blast.


In the midst of the flames, Megatron began to fall downwards. But he quickly stabilized himself in the air, and transformed back into his aircraft form again.

After destroying two expensive F-22 fighters in a row, the Raptors were obviously frightened. Seeing that they were escaping, Megatron could catch up, but it would take some time to eliminate them all. He was still thinking about the All Spark and Optimus Prime, so he just coldly ridiculed them, "Just a waste of toys..."

Soon, he returned to the ground again and landed beside Optimus Prime.

"Sam... hurry, there's no time left. Please, put the All Spark cube into my chest..."

It turned out that Optimus Prime had been urging Sam to put the All Spark into his own Spark, hoping to use his Leader-level super Spark to forcibly erase this piece of the All Spark that belonged to the Decepticons.

"Well done, little guy. You've satisfied me!" Megatron kicked Optimus Prime away and stared at Sam with a proud and mocking expression, grinning with a mouthful of ferocious teeth. "Come on, give me the All Spark now, and I can spare your life!"

It was obviously not a compliment. Sam, who was regretting his previous kindness, clearly understood this. He looked up at Megatron, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and suddenly had a clever idea. "Mr. Megatron, I can give you the All Spark, but can you fulfill one request of mine?"

"No, Sam!" Optimus Prime, who was lying nearby, shouted anxiously. "You can't give him the All Spark, otherwise not only Earth, but the entire universe will fall into the hands of the Decepticons..."


Megatron fired a blast and sent Optimus Prime flying again. He leaned down and looked at Sam with interest, asking, "Speak up, little guy. Tell me your wish. Maybe I will grant it..."

"Sam, I was wrong about you..." Behind him, Mikaela's disappointed voice came.

But Sam ignored her. He first looked at the All Spark in his hand, then looked up at Megatron again. In an instant, he determined the distance between his chest and Megatron's. He took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice, "Respected Mr. Megatron, I only have one request, and that is for you to, die..."

As if using all his strength, Sam shouted out the last three words and suddenly pushed the All Spark cube into Megatron's chest, which had lost its frontal armor protection.

This sudden change was obviously not expected by Optimus Prime, Mikaela, William, or even the cunning Megatron, who was unable to anticipate it due to his arrogance and disdain for humanity.

So he had to watch helplessly as the All Spark cube, like a burning branding iron, was forcefully stuffed into his own Core.


With a mixture of rage, fear, and regret, Megatron let out a painful scream that echoed across the sky. Even the mighty Megatron couldn't have the last laugh and became another Cybertronian mechanical life that fell on Earth.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 86 Fragments


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