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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"The legend is true!"

As Megatron and Bumblebee disappeared at the end of the aisle, Onslaught appeared lost in thought.

Sun Cheng was intrigued and approached him, asking, "What legend is true, Onslaught?"

"We should follow them and not let the Autobots steal the All Spark!" Onslaught signaled for Sun Cheng to follow him as they rushed forward. He then asked, "Have you heard about the origin of the All Spark?"

The All Spark contains terrifying energy and special information, and it is the supreme sacred artifact of Cybertron Planet. As it was too important and had disappeared during the Civil War, Frenzy had never come into contact with it. However, he had heard some legends about it, including its origin.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Cheng replied, "I have heard that the All Spark was not naturally created, but rather a product of the ancient Cybertronian civilization."

"Yes," Onslaught nodded, his eyes shining. "Before I was sent to search for the All Spark, Megatron mentioned that it was a man-made product from the era of the Cybertronian Senate. During that time, the civil war had not yet broken out, and there were thirteen powerful mechanical beings, some from the Decepticons, some from the Autobots, and many more from the neutral faction. The Cybertronian Senate, composed of these thirteen elders, was the highest decision-making body of Cybertron Planet at that time."

"The specific manufacturing method of the All Spark is unknown, but it is said to be related to stars. Legend has it that before making the All Spark, the thirteen elders had an agreement that the first All Spark would belong to the Decepticons, but the control method would be retained by the Autobots, and the Decepticons would also need to compensate the Autobots and the neutral faction... These legends are likely to be true, so that's why Megatron told us not to stop the Autobots, because only they know how to control the All Spark!"

What Onslaught said is probably unknown even within the Decepticon army.

After listening, Sun Cheng suddenly realized why Megatron had previously stopped them from preventing Bumblebee from approaching the All Spark.

There were so many secrets he didn't know!

However, another doubt arose.

Sun Cheng looked at Onslaught and hesitated for a moment before deciding not to ask.

Judging from his expression, Onslaught was probably wondering where Megatron came from just like him!

Onslaught was obviously angry after his evolution process was interrupted by Bumblebee. He chased after Megatron and Bumblebee from the laboratory, leaving a trail of blood wherever he saw someone, even the researchers of the Seventh Base who posed no threat to him.

It must be admitted that although he was unable to complete his evolution, Onslaught's strength had still greatly improved, far surpassing Sun Cheng. This was a testament to his accumulation of power over thousands of years.

Soon, they arrived at Hoover Dam, but were dumbfounded to find that Megatron and Bumblebee had disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it..." Onslaught kicked a destroyed transformer on the side of the road in frustration, sending it flying into the distance.

Sun Cheng was also a little frustrated. After losing the All Spark, which was a god-tier artifact, he was already far behind the other Decepticons and Autobots. He didn't know how long it would take to catch up to them.

Just as he was feeling upset, he suddenly detected a familiar frequency. "Forerunner, come out!"

Soon, Forerunner, who had been hiding near the dam, came out of hiding.


"Did you see where the Autobot and the other Decepticon who ran out of the base went, along with a team of humans?" he asked.

"Yes, they all went in that direction!" Forerunner pointed to the distance, reigniting hope in Sun Cheng and Onslaught's eyes.

"To the northwest? The only city where a human military is stationed near Hoover Dam is Las Vegas, which is only a few dozen kilometers away from here. I will go there to investigate..."

Sun Cheng quickly jumped into the air and transformed into his Reaper drone form, flying in the direction pointed by Forerunner.

His speed was already extremely fast, and during his transformation by the All Spark, Sun Cheng had specifically enhanced his speed, increasing it by at least 30-40% from before, breaking the speed of sound.

After reaching the highest speed, Sun Cheng flew in the direction pointed by Forerunner for several minutes, but he couldn't detect any fluctuations or frequencies even as he approached Las Vegas.

Not giving up, he turned back and slowed down his speed, retracing his steps along a highway leading in and out of Las Vegas to search. Finally, after more than ten minutes, he detected the special energy wave emitted by the All Spark in the sky at an altitude of 12,000 meters. He immediately sent the coordinates and notification to Onslaught and Forerunner, "Found the All Spark," and then quickly flew downward.

Sun Cheng was curious as to how Megatron could have escaped so far, given his overwhelming strength compared to Bumblebee.

As he descended, he soon saw Megatron on the road, already engaged in a fierce battle.

"That's...Optimus Prime?"

He saw a huge Autobot no less burly than Megatron engaging him in close combat, and two or three other Autobots joining in to attack Megatron. Sun Cheng quickly compared the memory data of Frenzy and recognized the giant robot warrior barely holding Megatron back as the new leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

"Megatron, I'm here..."

He quickly sent a communication and did not land, directly raising his Inferno Cannon in mid-air and firing at the Autobot warriors attacking Megatron.

He knew all these Autobot warriors, after all, they were all well-known warriors among the Autobots.

The leader, with the most powerful combat strength and almost all over his body covered in weapons, was called Ironhide. He was Optimus Prime's deputy and one of the most famous elite warriors among the Autobots. He had shone brightly in the Cybertronian Civil War, killing hundreds of Decepticons, and seemed determined to deal with Megatron first. He was tough, enduring a round of Sun Cheng's continuous shooting and still using the big gun on his left hand to fiercely fire at Megatron's back who was under attack from all sides.


After being hit by Ironhide's shot, Megatron, who was firmly suppressing Optimus Prime, looked at Ironhide fiercely, but did not go after him. Instead, he kicked the silver-gray Autobot warriors, who were shorter than Bumblebee, and quickly used his steel spikes to stab into Optimus Prime's body.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 74 Fierce battle with Autobots (Part 2)


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