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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Dodging the radar electromagnetic waves and satellites all the way, Sun Cheng arrived at Onslaught's base and was startled when he saw Onslaught.

"Onslaught, what's going on?" he asked.

Although he had thought of countless possibilities for Onslaught not calling him for over twenty days, Sun Cheng had guessed that Onslaught might be tracking him to find the "Spark source," and wondered if he would contact Starscream again. After all, Onslaught's strength was there, even if he had swallowed Starscream's two nuclear bombs, the conspirator could probably endure it.

However, when Sun Cheng saw Onslaught again and noticed the cracks on his body, his expression suddenly changed.

"You've come..." he said.

Onslaught stood there quietly, nodding slightly in greeting with a indifferent tone. Sun Cheng pointed to a clearly already designed body in the corner of the base hall and said, "The one you want, the material is a bit worse than yours, I couldn't get some of the metal!"

Nodding, Sun Cheng was somewhat disappointed, but he didn't care too much. After all, this body was not for him to use, and its importance naturally decreased in his mind. Besides, he had also unexpectedly obtained Atlas from Onslaught before, and that guy had helped him a lot recently.

Subconsciously looking at Onslaught's leg, he couldn't help but gasp.

As someone who had spent a lot of time studying this area recently, he naturally couldn't fail to notice the obvious discordance between Onslaught's body and the new parts. This should have just been replaced by Onslaught.

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Cheng couldn't resist his curiosity and asked carefully, "Onslaught, who did you have a conflict with?"

"Starscream!" Onslaught grinned, his face twisted with excitement. "Can't you guess it?"

Indeed, the only one on Earth who could cause such painful harm to Onslaught was probably only Starscream, except for a few dozen human countries.

With Onslaught's cautious temperament, he would not easily take action unless there was a high chance of success and profit. The last time he traded with Sun Cheng was like this. Although he sensed the Spark from him, Onslaught was too slow compared to Sun Cheng, so he dared not gamble on what the outcome would be if he could not control him for the first time. Therefore, he chose a more stable path and traded with him.

Thus, it was not difficult to guess that Starscream, who could hurt Onslaught so badly, was currently the most likely culprit.

However, despite his guesses, Sun Cheng still couldn't figure out why Onslaught would have a conflict with Starscream, just because of those two nuclear bombs?

Despite being seriously injured, Onslaught unexpectedly looked very happy.

As if he had seen the confusion in Sun Cheng's heart, Onslaught asked him, "Didn't you receive that set of coordinates?"

"Huh?" Sun Cheng looked at him with a puzzled expression, not understanding.

"Six days ago, a set of vague coordinates suddenly appeared from the North Pole of the Earth. It was an emergency communication left in the ancient Cybertronian language. Although it covered the entire Earth in an instant, it seems that only us old guys received it. Out of curiosity, I went to the North Pole and met Starscream there! He found a little thing, um, a communicator left by someone who would trigger automatically more than a hundred years later!"

At this point, he suddenly closed his mouth and refused to mention why he had a conflict with Starscream. It seemed that he had fought with him.

However, looking at Onslaught's expression, it was either that Starscream's current state was no better than his, or that he had suffered losses in other areas.

Sun Cheng looked at him with confusion, but Onslaught stopped talking. Instead, he left Sun Cheng with more doubts.

A communicator left by someone more than a hundred years ago?

It seemed like something left behind by a very important person!

Sun Cheng knew about the ancient Cybertronian language. Roadblock had accidentally mentioned it before, and he had asked Onslaught about it later. It was said to be an ancient language passed down from the early days of Cybertron, which only leaders could understand.

Sun Cheng wanted to ask more, but seeing that Onslaught obviously had no intention of continuing, he could only put all his confusion and incomprehension aside for now.

Onslaught suddenly noticed the changes in Sun Cheng's body and looked at him for a while before grinning.

"Is this the enhancement you did for your own body?" he asked.

His mouth kept making strange sounds that sounded like steel being chewed, so Sun Cheng couldn't tell whether he looked down on his enhancement method or not.

However, he wasn't afraid of being looked down upon by others with his current ugly appearance that made him want to cry, so he readily admitted, "I met an Autobot a while ago and had a fight with him. I found out that my two rapid-fire machine guns couldn't cause any damage to him, so I tried to switch to a human weapon for myself, but unfortunately, I can only use it after transforming."

Indeed, the Fire God Cannon that Sun Cheng currently equipped could only be used in the form of his Reaper drone because he couldn't redesign a complete ammunition system inside his mechanical body. Despite all of Atlas's hard work, he could only use the previous design of Onslaught to supply ammunition to the Fire God Cannon in his Reaper drone form.

Onslaught's eyes sparkled as he heard this.

He looked at Sun Cheng quietly, hesitating and thinking.

After a while, he unexpectedly nodded at him, "You could consider yourself fortunate. Remember to touch the All Spark again next time, there will be a pleasant surprise!"

Sun Cheng's eyes lit up as he heard this and he quickly asked, "Lord Onslaught, can you please explain in more detail?"

Onslaught glanced at Sun Cheng and did not answer him immediately.

He turned and walked out of the hall, entering a passage leading deeper into the base.

Although he was disappointed and curious, Sun Cheng held back and waited for him without getting his permission.

Shortly after, he saw Onslaught walking out of the passage holding a huge turret with dual barrels, weighing tens of tons.

"This is a railgun..."

As it still retained the original appearance, Sun Cheng recognized it at a glance. It was the railgun that Onslaught had designed for him before.

Onslaught skillfully dismantled it into a pile of numerous components and summoned about ten Decepticon engineers, who were supposed to be all the members of his base.

"Wait until the engineers install it on my mechanical body, and then we can set off for the All Spark..."

He gave a command and transformed back into his super-heavy truck form, quietly waiting there.

Sun Cheng continued to inquire, "Lord Onslaught, could you please explain more about what you said earlier?"

After he finished speaking, he didn't expect to hear Onslaught's voice coming from his driver's seat.

"...There are only two ways for Decepticons to enhance their strength, evolution and enhancement. Evolution is a dream for every Decepticon, a comprehensive upgrade of Spark and mechanical body. But because evolution requires huge amounts of energy and life force, especially the latter, as far as I know, there are only a few ways to obtain a small amount of life force besides the All Spark. Therefore, many Decepticons may not be able to evolve until their mechanical bodies are completely decayed."

"Enhancement is the artificial way to enhance one's strength, such as by strengthening or replacing a new Core, or replacing a stronger mechanical body. You should have experienced this yourself. Although enhancement can also enhance one's strength, compared to evolution, it has many drawbacks and is far inferior!"

Indeed, after Sun Cheng switched to a new mechanical body and his Core was also enhanced by Onslaught, it was incomparable to the evolution he had experienced after touching the All Spark.

"The All Spark is a very magical treasure. It has huge and unimaginable life force, not only can it supplement our energy consumption and heal injuries, even if you have already evolved once, it is impossible to evolve again in a short time. However, the magical power it possesses can still perfect your mechanical body, constantly adjusting it towards the most perfect direction. Do you know what this means?"

Sun Cheng was not a fool, and now that Onslaught had spoken so frankly, he listened with excitement, unable to contain his joy on his face.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 65 The Arrival of the Autobots


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