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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the 33rd floor of the Roland Building on Wall Street in New York, Johnson, as usual, ordered two Mexican beef rolls and a large cup of coffee from a nearby fast food restaurant and walked into his office with them.

N&J International Trade Company, the full name of Nolan and Gepelin International Trade Company, seemed like a vulgar and ordinary enterprise just by its name. But anyone with a little bit of brain wouldn't see it that way.

Being able to place its headquarters in prime real estate on Wall Street itself proved N&J's worthiness.

In fact, this company that dealt with the import and export of various equipment was one of the best among tens of thousands of military trade companies in the United States. Since being founded by two retired high-ranking officials of the Department of Defense in 1971, the annual sales of military products to foreign countries ranged from several hundred million to over ten billion dollars. As a non-producing military intermediary, this was truly a remarkable figure.

As soon as he sat down in his office, before even having his breakfast, Johnson heard a knock on the door. "Bang, bang!"

"Come in..."

He responded without even looking up, placing his breakfast on his desk. After a moment of the sound of the door being pushed open, his familiar young secretary's voice rang out.

"General Manager, there is an email that needs your attention!"

Johnson looked up at the young woman who had entered his office, her name was Nina. His face showed a surprised expression, "Nina, what kind of email is it?"

"You should take a look for yourself..."

Nina seemed to be a little hesitant. She took out a printed sheet of paper from the folder she had been holding in her arms and handed it to him with a smile.

Johnson nodded and didn't say anything more. He had been working at N&J for several years and knew that there were many unknown rules within a company that specialized in military trade like theirs.

He quickly took the printed paper, and after carefully examining it, he couldn't help but furrow his brow and ask her, "Has Mr. Smith arrived?"

Johnson referred to Mr. Smith, the president and chairman of the company. N&J had a well-designed division of labor. Mr. Smith, who was hired by the company, was responsible for contacting clients, managing the company, and handling finances, while he generally didn't get involved in specific military trade-related matters.

If this email wasn't a joke sent by an outsider, it was indeed a significant deal. However, some of the things mentioned in the email were quite sensitive.

Nina shrugged her shoulders, "The boss has gone on vacation to Florida..."

Johnson nodded, "I see, you can leave now!"

After dismissing his secretary, he looked down at the paper in his hand, lost in thought.

"8,000 M4A1 rifles, 200 sets of M60 series general-purpose machine guns, and 100 sets of FIM-92 "Stinger" air defense missiles..."

Having worked at N&J for many years, Johnson couldn't see through the tricks in the paper he was holding.

After estimating the risks and benefits of this transaction in his mind, Johnson quickly made a decision and picked up the phone on his desk, dialing a number.

The phone rang for a while before a lazy middle-aged man's voice came through, "Johnny, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer and make me understand why you disturbed my vacation, then you need to treat me to a French meal on Thursday..."

Johnny was Johnson's close nickname, and this was obviously a joke. The other party also understood that he would call and bother him only if there was a company matter.

"I'm afraid you'll have to treat me to that meal, Mr. Smith."

Johnson laughed and explained to him in detail, "The company's mailbox received an email, and a foreign company wants to purchase a batch of goods from us!"

"The quantity seems quite large, what are they looking for?"

On the phone, Smith showed obvious interest and asked with a smile, "Some conventional weapons, with an estimated value of about 17-18 million US dollars. But these are small items. The other party also wants to purchase some sensitive items, including 500 Hellfire missiles..." Johnson said.

This time, Smith was silent for a while before asking seriously, "Who is the buyer?"

Although Hellfire missiles are active equipment in the United States, they are not unsellable items that cannot be exported and have been exported to some allied countries.

N&J Company has a military background and is responsible for handling outdated equipment for the US military.

For example, the Hellfire missile, from the initial AGM-114A model to the most advanced AGM-114M/N/L, spans nearly forty years.

The US Army and Air Force have purchased nearly 60,000 Hellfire missiles, and nearly 40,000 are still in stock, except for daily training and war consumption.

Three-quarters of this inventory are the oldest first-generation models, which not only occupy inventory but also have much less power than the advanced new models of the second and third generations. Therefore, N&J is sometimes responsible for handling old Hellfire missiles for the military to raise funds to purchase updates of the third generation.

Therefore, for N&J, Hellfire missiles are not unsellable, but the sellers need to carefully consider.

"Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company, Brazilians want to buy this batch of goods..."


When he heard that Brazilians wanted to buy it, Smith breathed a sigh of relief, "I remembered that the United States had previously assisted Brazil with 10 Apaches (for the plot)..."

Because of the US's consistent Latin American policy, the relationship between the United States and South American countries has not been good since modern times. Brazil should be one of the few pro-US countries in South America, especially after the current president came to power, he actively approached the United States, which led to the previous incident of the United States providing the military with a batch of active equipment.

If Brazilians want to buy it, he believed that the military should not hold it up, and they may choose a batch of relatively old missiles at most.

Therefore, he readily agreed, "If it is Brazilians, there should be no problem. As for the price and delivery date, you should contact the Brazilians first and talk about the specific matters. After my vacation ends in a few days, I will personally go to talk with the Brazilians!"



"Good job. After I receive the goods, I will transfer the final payment to your account!"

After hanging up the phone, Sun Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although he took a big detour, the batch of goods he wanted had basically been obtained.

Just a few days ago, after deciding to get a batch of Hellfire missiles and rocket launcher nests and aircraft cannon to strengthen his own strength, Sun Cheng had been busy with this matter.

Because there were many sensitive items among them, it really took him a lot of effort to get them.

Fortunately, his hacking ability was really outstanding. He first locked Brazil, a country that the United States might sell Hellfire missiles to, through investigation.

Sun Cheng then conducted detailed investigations on several companies in Brazil that specialize in military arms import and export. Soon after discovering that a senior executive of Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company had a lot of bad transactions and received kickbacks privately, he used this person as a breakthrough and took the initiative to contact the other party for some intimidation and coercion.

Finally, he successfully forced the other party to agree to contact another American company that had the export right of Hellfire missiles, which Sun Cheng had personally investigated, and completed the purchase according to his requirements in the name of Neubliena Trading Import and Export Company.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 63 Vulcan Cannon


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