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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Because it was near the Yangtze River, the wind blowing from the river always carried some moisture in mid-April in the southern city. Even at night, there was still a hint of chill in the air.

After dealing with a blonde hair and letting out a sigh of relief, Sun Cheng confirmed some of his suspicions. It turned out that Xiao Hong was now plotting against him due to some words from Liu Kun.

This was the most puzzling thing for him. After all, Sun Cheng had never told anyone about the adventures he had experienced, and it was obvious that the two of them had been calculating against him before.

Liu Kun had lived in the same dormitory with him for many years, and he couldn't be unaware that the family that had taken him in could only be considered middle-class. They didn't have anything that would require Xiao Hong to put in so much effort and set up a trap around himself...

"Wait...could it be..."

Sun Cheng had been thinking about this question all the way, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind. He stopped in his tracks and a uncontrollable anger appeared on his face.

"...This is the only possibility...if it's Liu Kun, he really knows...this bastard..."

Finally, he combined all the scattered information he had and realized that Liu Kun had probably borrowed money from a "study aid loan" group, which was actually a group of campus loan sharks with high interest rates. He must have been sinking deeper and deeper into debt, and when he couldn't repay it, he had evil thoughts and turned against the people around him.

The evil fire of anger in his heart burned more and more fiercely, and Sun Cheng could hardly suppress his desire to teach Liu Kun a lesson.

A gust of river wind blowing in his face made Sun Cheng shiver as he stood with his suit jacket open. He came back to his senses and continued walking back to the dormitory.

Because he was worried that he would bump into Xiao Hong and the others who had come to him after receiving a message from the blonde hair, Sun Cheng took a detour after leaving the park and prepared to return from another direction.

Soon he came to a familiar alley and unexpectedly found that the lights in the alley were out. Sun Cheng couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

"The lights are out?"

Although the alley was not long, it was a shortcut for him to return to school. After passing through it, he would be only a few hundred meters away from the gate of South University of Technology. If he didn't take it, he would have to walk at least three more kilometers.

Normal people don't like to walk in the dark at night, but after a moment of thought, Sun Cheng didn't want to take a detour, so he stepped into the alley.

It was very quiet in the alley at night.

Because the lights were out, it was pitch black, and anyone walking in the alley would feel a little uneasy.

However, after walking for a while, Sun Cheng saw several people coming from the other end of the alley. He felt slightly relieved when he saw them since he wasn't alone anymore.

"Hey, it's Sun Cheng, what a coincidence!"

Suddenly, an unfriendly greeting came from the group of people. Although the alley was dark, it didn't mean that Sun Cheng was blind and couldn't recognize the person walking towards him.

His gaze only stayed on the face of the young man who was leading the way for a second before he felt his heart sink. "It's you!"

The young man was none other than Xiao Hong, who had some grievances with him.

"Sun Cheng, where have you been at this late hour?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Xiao Hong looked at him with a smirk, almost bursting into laughter.

"Damn it!"

Sun Cheng cursed inwardly. He had never thought that he would be so unlucky as to bump into these people. He had deliberately taken a detour to avoid meeting them, but he didn't expect his caution to turn out to be in vain.

Xiao Hong gestured and the four young men with him immediately surrounded Sun Cheng.

"I was wondering why Ah Mao hasn't sent me a text message for so long, you're quite cunning, aren't you? You even managed to ditch him..."

As soon as Sun Cheng saw that he was trapped and couldn't escape, Xiao Hong proudly lit a cigarette for himself. "Why aren't you running away?"

"I was just thinking, with your personality, how long can you stay out of trouble..."

The sound of danger kept flashing in his mind, Sun Cheng clenched his fist and tried to remain calm. Just as he was about to switch the shopping bag he had been holding in his right hand to his left, he saw two of the young men brought by Xiao Hong move closer to him warily. He had to temporarily abandon his plan to take out the taser gun from his waistband.

"You're not even capable of doing that, why are you pretending to be tough like a big-tailed wolf..." Xiao Hong sneered at him. "Do you still want to act like you're better than me?"

He spat out the cigarette butt in his mouth and looked at Sun Cheng, smiling slyly. "Today, you should pay off the debt you owe me, but we need to change the IOU. Do you want to sign one for 300,000 or 500,000?"

After speaking, he and the young men with him took a step forward together and surrounded Sun Cheng tightly.

It seemed that this guy was impatient and was ready to threaten him directly. After all, the series of traps he had set before had led him to this point, and it didn't seem like the person in front of him could have thought of a way out.

Realizing that he had no way out, Sun Cheng quickly moved sideways and pressed his back against the wall. He reached for the gun in his waistband and felt a surge of confidence as he held the taser gun in his hand. He looked at Xiao Hong coldly, his eyes full of undisguised murderous intent. "I'm curious, what kind of background does your family have that you can act like this and not get killed..."

"What, you think you can kill me?" Xiao Hong smirked, showing a bright smile on his face. "There are plenty of people who can kill me, and you're definitely not one of them!"

"I've got you today, A Bing. You better sign an IOU for 500,000!" Xiao Hong coldly laughed and waved his hand. He saw a young man with a scorpion tattoo on his arm next to him take out a pen and paper from his pocket and write an IOU under the light of his phone.

"You owe me money and still dare to act tough with me. You have to sign this IOU today, whether you like it or not!"

It seemed like he was very satisfied with Sun Cheng's expression at the moment. Xiao Hong took another cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. Slowly, he said, "We're all civilized people, and I don't want to resort to violence against someone as talented as you. Sign the IOU today, and be prepared to pay me back. If you can't pay, then your family will have to. If they can't come up with the money, then you'll have to sell your house, your kidneys, and even yourself to repay me..."

As he spoke, his face became more and more ferocious and vicious, showing that he had probably done a lot of this kind of bullying and coercion.

Finally, as he fumbled with the taser gun in his hand, Sun Cheng took a deep breath and relaxed. He was cautious and kept an eye on his surroundings. Finally, he saw the two people beside him passing a lighter back and forth, and his guard was slightly lowered.

Sun Cheng made a decision and swung the shopping bag in his left hand at one of the young men who was blocking his way, then quickly drew the taser gun from his waist and aimed it at Xiao Hong's chest, firing a shot.

When fighting, you hit the face first, and when catching thieves, you catch the leader first. Although Sun Cheng had not fought many battles, it did not mean that he had no common sense. He knew that he couldn't win against five people with a normal fight, so he had to take the opportunity to escape.

Getting rid of Xiao Hong was the most important part.

With a low gunshot, Xiao Hong, who never expected Sun Cheng to resist, was hit by the shot and his body shuddered. He let out a cry of pain and then convulsed before falling to the ground.

With a kick, Sun Cheng pushed away the tattooed man who was writing the IOU, and took advantage of the moment they were caught off guard to rush out of the encirclement and run towards the other end of the alley.

"Stop him!"

Sun Cheng had only run about three or four meters when the young man he had hit with a shopping bag on the nose caught up with him, wiping away tears and shouting angrily. The other three also reacted and one of them approached the convulsing Xiao Hong, while the other three chased after Sun Cheng.

Seeing their angry faces, Sun Cheng feared that if they caught up with him, he would get a severe beating. "Hold on, hold on..." The light at the end of the alley was getting brighter and Sun Cheng took a deep breath, mentally encouraging himself to run faster.

However, his speed was clearly slower than that of the gangsters who had been fighting and robbing on the streets for years, and he could hear their angry shouts and threats getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Sun Cheng seemed to hear a scream from behind.

Although he quickly realized that something seemed to be happening in the alley behind him, out of caution, Sun Cheng did not stop until he reached the mouth of the alley. In the moment of turning, he glanced quickly inside.

Vaguely, he seemed to see an extra figure in the alley. The next second, he had completely run out of the alley and could no longer see what was happening inside.

Sun Cheng did not know that while he was busy running for his life, a light figure suddenly jumped down from the second floor of a building beside the alley behind him. In the darkness, she casually threw a knife and stabbed it into the thigh of a gangster less than a meter away from her.

Accompanied by a scream, the pursuers stopped. The young man who was stabbed in the leg was in pain and his face was twisted. He shouted at his two companions, "What are you looking at? Beat her..."

Obviously, they immediately realized that the sudden appearance was a woman. "So, my mission is to clean up the gangsters and rogues?" The light figure complained dissatisfiedly. Seeing the two men rushing towards her, she did not care.

Until a punch was about to hit her cheek, she saw her toes touch the ground and drew an arc. Her hands were as quick as lightning, one hand holding the man's chest, and the other hand tightly holding the fist he swung. Then, her right arm suddenly exerted force and hit the joint of the man's arm heavily.

"Crack!" After the crisp sound of bone breaking, the man's face suddenly turned pale, and tears immediately came out of his eyes.

"You're useless!" She raised her hand and a fierce chop accurately hit his arm, directly making him pass out.

Seeing another person rushing towards her, she narrowed her left eye slightly, and a curve appeared at the corner of her mouth. "Your lower body is unstable..." The words had just been spoken when she suddenly lowered her body and swept the legs of the gangster, knocking him to the ground.

Then, she suddenly kicked him heavily in the chest, and the astonishing force directly kicked him four or five meters away, hitting the corner of the wall and passing out completely.

"This is really boring..." She glanced at Sun Cheng's back, which had already disappeared from her sight, and lazily stretched herself. She walked towards the gangster who had been terrified after being stabbed in the leg and took out a metal box with four inverted triangles forming a cross symbol on it from her body, then took out a few syringes from it.

"The materials are a bit poor, but they can still be used..." Taking out one, she walked slowly to the gangster who had been stabbed and smiled, "Be good, after this injection, you won't feel pain anymore..."

Accompanied by a scream, the alley soon fell into silence.


Sun Cheng didn't remember when he had lost the Tazer gun, and he couldn't even remember when he had returned to his dormitory. Shortly before, he had just made up his mind to take the initiative to attack Xiao Hong and the others, and completely get rid of these disgusting pests.

But after fifteen minutes, reality had taught him a lesson and made him understand that plans could never keep up with changes. The Tazer gun was exposed, and his fingerprints were definitely on it. He didn't even know where he had thrown it. And as for Xiao Hong, there was no compromise after today.

The after-effects of fear made his mind unable to calm down. Sun Cheng sat listlessly in his dormitory, in front of his computer desk, frantically calculating how many mistakes he had made tonight.

Until a familiar ringtone sounded, it woke him up from his anxiety and self-blame.

Sun Cheng picked up his newly bought Chinese Android phone and only glanced at the familiar number that appeared on his phone. His eyes couldn't help but bulge.

After hesitating for a while, until the phone rang for seven or eight seconds, Sun Cheng finally took the phone. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions before pressing the answer button. "Sis, what's wrong?"

In the next moment, a gentle young female voice came from the phone, it was Ye Qi, the daughter of the family who adopted him and also his current sister.

"Hi, is this Ah'cheng? I couldn't reach you for the past two days..."

"My phone accidentally fell and broke two days ago, and I just got it repaired today! Is there something you need?" His voice was a bit nervous.

"...Can't I call you without anything happening?" A soft reproachful voice quickly came through the phone, and soon another gentle laugh followed, "Okay, isn't it almost your birthday? I happen to be going to Nandu soon, can you come pick me up?"

"You're coming to Nandu?" Sun Cheng's heart sank, and his tone became heavy. "I'm quite busy recently, you don't have to come over for now. It doesn't matter if we skip celebrating my birthday this year..."

Before the other side could react, he added in a hurry, "Don't come over recently, I have something to do, I'll hang up!"

After speaking, Sun Cheng hung up the phone in a hurry and threw it on the table. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, frowning and not knowing what he was thinking.

Not long after, the phone rang again, and Sun Cheng didn't answer.

A few minutes later, the ringtone sounded again, and Sun Cheng still didn't answer.

It wasn't until the third ringtone sounded that he finally stood up irritably, rummaged through the drawers and cabinets for a while, and finally found a gray crystal from the back of the cabinet.

Just holding it in his hand, the irritation in Sun Cheng's heart gradually disappeared.

Glancing at the phone that rang again on the table, he took a deep breath and quietly returned to the stool, closed his eyes.

The next second, his even breaths could be heard. Looking at the palm of his hand, the gray crystal had disappeared.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 57 Goodbye Attack


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