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Chen Yuan is an employee of Apple China, responsible for reviewing iOS system vulnerability reports.

In Chen Yuan's view, he has been given a very leisurely job. As a global leader in consumer electronics, Apple not only has strong hardware design capabilities, but also excels in software development. The iOS system is undoubtedly the best performance of Apple's software development capabilities. Although it was born almost at the same time as Google's Android system, iOS system is far superior in performance and security, becoming the most popular mobile operating system in the world.

Of course, there is no perfect product. Chen Yuan also knows that there are indeed vulnerabilities in the iOS system. Therefore, in addition to his company having a dedicated team responsible for detecting iOS system vulnerabilities, Apple, like other Internet giants such as Facebook and Google, has also launched its own vulnerability reporting reward program, the "White Knight Plan".

However, Chinese technology enthusiasts' strength in vulnerability detection is significantly inferior to that of Europe and America. Since the implementation of the "White Knight Plan" in China in 2015, only about 40-50 iOS system vulnerabilities have been reported and discovered in China, and most of them are just some strange and small vulnerabilities that do not affect system stability. In contrast, there were seven to eight high-risk vulnerabilities reported overseas just last year.

Therefore, Chen Yuan's job is almost like having a free lunch. Except for being busy when the complaints department sends over vulnerability reports, he spends most of his time daydreaming and playing small games.

Now, Chen Yuan has clicked on the chess game for the third time today and wants to try out a chess game he just found online. Although the company has regulations prohibiting playing games during working hours, simple computer games like Solitaire and Chess are generally tolerated when not busy, even if the supervisor sees it.

"Are you bored? Playing chess with the computer every day, aren't you tired?" Chen Yuan's colleague, Fu Chun, who is also daydreaming, said.

"Better than stealing movies like you. Be careful not to get caught and scolded again," Chen Yuan said, rolling his eyes.

"There's a 100-megabit fiber optic network in the office, which is much better than my four-megabit network at home. Since we have nothing to do, let me download a few ultra-high-definition movies. I can watch them at home tonight," Fu Chun said with a grin.

Chen Yuan flipped his eyes, but he was playing a small game that came with the system, so he didn't need the internet at all. He pretended not to see it. After all, they were two brothers who hated their job.

Just as he was about to make a move on the chessboard, Chen Yuan saw a work processing prompt suddenly pop up on the maintenance software on the right side of his computer screen. He quickly realized it was a vulnerability report forwarded by the complaints department.

"Hey, it seems like a vulnerability report has arrived. Should you review it or should I?" Chen Yuan asked.

"You take a look first and make sure it's a real vulnerability report," Fu Chun replied, not looking back at his computer because he was secretly downloading movies.

Chen Yuan nodded and immediately closed the game, opening the vulnerability report email. After quickly scanning it, Chen Yuan's eyebrows jumped. "They claim to have found 17 iOS system vulnerabilities, and they have even more. They really dare to say that!"

"Ha!" Fu Chun burst out laughing and couldn't help but stand up and joke, "Is it true? Let me see who has such great ability..."

Before he even had a chance to look at the information from the whistleblower, Chen Yuan had already downloaded and opened the folder attached to the email.

Fu Chun leaned in closer and looked at the detailed vulnerability analysis with Chen Yuan, his expression changing slightly.

"By using the search function, you can see the deleted messages… Hmm, this vulnerability really does exist…"

Apple has its own system vulnerability detection team, but when it comes to discovering some of the vulnerabilities in new versions, unless they have already been reported, they choose to remain silent and quietly fix them in the next version. After all, Apple is not stupid enough to shoot itself in the foot.

However, for convenience, Apple also periodically updates some newly discovered vulnerabilities to the technical staff responsible for this area internally to facilitate maintenance by its own technical team.

Unfortunately, Fu Chun just happened to remember one such vulnerability recently identified by the US headquarters.

Chen Yuan nodded in agreement. He also knew that this vulnerability had already been discovered.

The two of them became serious and carefully read through the report, frowning deeply.

"Five vulnerabilities have already been detected by the headquarters, so these reports are correct. As for the remaining ones, although we cannot confirm them yet, based on this, there is still a high probability that is also correct…"

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he reached into a drawer under his desk and took out several Apple phones and testing devices specifically designed for vulnerability testing and placed them on the table.

Without needing to say anything, Fu Chun shut down his computer and came over to help.

The two of them worked diligently to test and compare for quite some time. Finally, after confirming that all of these vulnerabilities were true, Chen Yuan spaced out for a moment before quickly taking out a USB drive from the drawer, copying and organizing the report and testing records, and saving them to the USB drive.

After finishing, he stood up and said to Fu Chun, "I'll go to the copying room to print the documents. Fu Chun, you go call the supervisor."

Fu Chun nodded solemnly. Being reported for so many vulnerabilities, and all of them being proven to be true, their supervisor would most likely be sweating bullets and have to continue reporting to even higher levels.

If the other party really had even more iOS system vulnerabilities, then not only would the China branch send a senior executive to contact them, but the headquarters might also send someone from the US to personally take charge of this matter.

However, these things no longer had anything to do with the two of them.

"When did China produce such talented technical experts?"

Before leaving, Fu Chun couldn't help but turn back and look at the information left by the whistleblower on the computer screen.

"Cybertron Workshop? A testing organization?"

With some doubts, Fu Chun shook his head and followed Chen Yuan out of the office towards the supervisor's office.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 54 Cybertron Workshop (Part 2)


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