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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After more than two hours of effort, Sun Cheng was finally able to disassemble the server that weighed several hundred kilograms and put it back together again. By this time, the sky was already bright.

His stomach was growling with hunger, so he decided to wash up quickly and go out to buy some breakfast.

Once he returned to his dorm room, Sun Cheng locked the door behind him. After all, there was now a valuable server and a level 2 Decepticon core, as well as two weapons he had brought back from another world. If they were accidentally exposed, it would be trouble.

After 6 o'clock, the dormitory was powered up again.

Although China had a great president in recent times, Yu Chen, who led the Xinhai Revolution and reignited the fire of national rejuvenation, the country had long been in decline since the Opium War at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Foreign powers were dominant, and there were enemies everywhere. Therefore, since the founding of New China, development had been difficult.

The difficult industrialization of New China had been going on since the 1920s, and the demand for electricity had still not been completely solved. The conservative estimate of China's annual electricity gap was between 5-10%, and it was said that the gap was still expanding.

As a result, many institutions and government facilities, including schools, were still implementing the energy-saving policy formulated by the Ministry of Industry half a century ago. Most campus facilities, except for a few research laboratories, would cut power from eleven o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.

Sun Cheng grabbed a glass of water and sat down at his desk with his breakfast. He didn't rush to eat, but instead opened his computer and checked his emails to see if there was any response from Apple or the vulnerability acquisition platform Zerodium.

The computer started up in just a few seconds. Obviously, the new XP system he had optimized and removed all unnecessary plugins was much more powerful than the previous one.

He logged onto his email and carefully checked for a while. Sun Cheng was disappointed that these two companies had not yet noticed the emails he had sent, so they had not replied.

He quickly closed his mailbox and opened his browser, but quickly closed it again. He suddenly didn't know what to do and felt a little bored.

(You can skip to next chapter...)

After hesitating for a moment, he clicked on the E drive on his computer and played around with it in the My Computer toolbar for a while, revealing a hidden folder.

Reference materials!

That was the name Sun Cheng had given to this hidden folder. Although it seemed like a method that most teenage boys used to store love movies, there was really nothing like that inside.

He picked up a steamed bun and took a bite, then quickly opened the folder to reveal several neatly backed-up video files, including "The Beginning of the End of the World," "Sunny Hallelujah," "Strange Universe," "Darling," and "I Really Want to See You Again."

Controlling the mouse, he clicked on the video file labeled "The Beginning of the End of the World." After a few seconds of buffering, the video showed the image of a young girl wearing headphones, sitting in front of a microphone, ready to sing.

Although Sun Cheng was already familiar with the appearance of this young girl, his mind was still filled with amazement when he saw her again.

How could one describe such beauty in words?!

She also had long black straight hair that reached her chest, each strand as soft and shiny as a pearl. Although the girl appeared sitting, Sun Cheng could still imagine her graceful figure in his mind.

"Today, I want to sing a Japanese song that I really like for someone who may not be able to hear it. The song is called 'The Beginning of the End of the World,' and I hope he can understand my feelings!"

Because the video was edited from a live broadcast, bullet comments occasionally flew across the screen.

Sun Cheng frowned as he watched the comments that were either blatantly teasing or expressing love, and skillfully dragged the progress bar forward by more than ten seconds. The next moment, a beautiful and somewhat melancholic melody rang out.

"Being able to smile at each other is a happy thing!"

"That's what you taught me!"

"From childhood, I already knew everything!"

"Your hobbies, wanting to become what you idealized."

"But you quietly told me!"

"That you prefer older, beautiful women!"

"It's too late to change now, so I used my superpowers to go back in time!"

"To meet you again, to fall in love with you again!"

"You, crying and searching everywhere."

"My silhouette suddenly disappeared from your world!"

"Better go back now, but the ability is one-way, can't go back to the future."

In the video, the girl sang in Japanese, but there were Chinese subtitles for the lyrics below.

Sun Cheng was intoxicated by the mesmerizing voice, and his eyes couldn't help but show a bit of tenderness.

"I want to tell you, I come from a faraway place!"

"But I found out, it's impossible."

"Looking at the older me, you asked me."

"I'm looking for someone who looks like you."

"Do you know what?"

"Became a mess, searching for that day!"

"Wanted to connect again, the two separated people!"

"Don't go, I'm right here!"

"So, don't leave me!"

"Spring comes again, you decide to leave here!"

"Leaving behind the words, 'If only you were that person.'"

In the beautiful and melodious song, the girl gradually added a bit of crying tone. Obviously, she put her heart and emotion into the performance, perhaps even projecting her own feelings into the song.

"Love, a luxurious feeling!"

"I finally remembered!"

"So, with all my strength, I'll grab that hand!"

"Crying uncontrollably, I told you the truth!"

"Shattered, swept into the space-time."

"Waking up, here is a gray world."

"In my hand is an old photo!"

"An era with this kind of color!"

"Smiling innocently in the photo!"

"To meet you, I started my journey from here!"

As she softly hummed, the girl seemed to have adjusted her mood and her voice became more firm.

"Can we smile again?"

"In this world?"

"Put down your photo and move forward!"

With the ending melody, the girl quickly finished her performance.

On the video, there was a dense barrage of comments and donations that never stopped.

The girl in front of the microphone quickly wiped her eyes and smiled brightly at the audience, thanking them and answering some of the questions in the comments.

"I'm single, but I already have someone I like!"

"I'm not an only child, I have a younger brother."

"This song was made by one of my friends, I want to dedicate it to someone and hope he understands my feelings!"

The short video, only a few minutes long, soon ended. As he looked at the closed video player, Sun Cheng silently swallowed the last bite of the bun and reached for the bag on the table.


The bag containing the buns shook, making a soft sound as it pushed the wallet off the table.

Sun Cheng instinctively looked down and soon his face froze.

A photo had fallen out of his wallet, a picture of a young couple, with a boy who looked somewhat like Sun Cheng, and a girl hugging his left arm, just like the one who sang in the video he just watched!

Taking out a tissue, he carefully wiped his fingers and picked up the photo and wallet from the ground.

He held the photo in his hand and looked at it for a while, letting his fingertips gently stroke the girl's cheek in the picture. He then reverently put it back into his wallet, murmuring to himself, "I must solve this 'student loan' trouble as soon as possible, and speed up my plan for reality..."

He quickly threw the wallet back to the side and closed the computer, picking up the buns and quickly eating seven or eight of them.

After taking a sip of water and tidying up the table, he immediately pulled out a thick stack of documents from the drawer.

After searching for a while, he found the documents he needed, and then got up to leave the dormitory.

As he walked towards the door, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to take the taser gun from the box and carried it with him. He then picked up the documents and left.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 52 New XP System


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