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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After working tirelessly for ten days, Sun Cheng looked at the newly renovated underground nuclear missile launch facility with a satisfied expression.

Ever since he had seen the American's Area 7 base, he couldn't help but admire them. After all, they were able to excavate a huge base from hard mountain rocks decades ago. Their ability in construction was truly not to be underestimated.

After taking over this underground nuclear missile launch facility, Sun Cheng became even more certain that the Americans possessed a terrifying ability in engineering.

With a tunnel that was fifteen kilometers long and a total underground construction area of over 60,000 square meters, he had a lot of space to work with. After rearranging the circuits and installing all the purchased machinery, Sun Cheng started the diesel generator.

Amidst the low rumbling noise, the abandoned underground nuclear missile launch facility lit up again after almost forty years.

Redesigning a more powerful mechanical body for himself was proving to be a difficult task. Sun Cheng had no experience in mechanical manufacturing or weapon design, despite Spark's powerful computing power. He had to secretly sneak into several American universities to obtain textbooks and start learning from scratch.

Although his progress in mechanical body enhancement design was slow, he made good progress in other areas such as his specialty in microelectronics and even computer science. He utilized Spark's powerful computing power to help with memorization and deduction, which proved to be beneficial.

After spending almost a month in this world, Sun Cheng really missed home.

"It's time to go back to the real world!"

He estimated that the countdown on one of the light screens in the mysterious spherical space hidden within his body was almost over.

Although he still didn't understand what the countdown represented, he knew that something would happen once it ended. He just didn't know if the changes would occur within the spherical space or in the real world.

With a thought, the Exoskeleton armor on Sun Cheng's mechanical body opened up, revealing an iPhone 5 that he rubbed in his hand for a moment before reluctantly placing it in a corner of his lab.

He then looked at an IBM server in front of him, with blue light flickering in his eyes.

He had bought this server, which was released by IBM in the previous year-end, for over 700,000 dollars. However, with his future knowledge and Decepticon abilities, he knew that this supposedly "most powerful enterprise server in the next five years" was just mediocre.

The chip only used eight Intel Xeon E3-1200v3, two 16GB DDR3 memory sticks, and a 1TB hard drive. Sun Cheng decided to use this server to practice and replaced the chips with eight Intel Xeon E5-2600 and two 32GB DDR3 memory sticks, while also optimizing the system himself.

After completing these tasks, he even used dozens of energy points to further enhance the server using Decepticon abilities.

After all his hard work, he was finally able to create a server that could easily surpass most servers on the market in the year 2016.

Sun Cheng planned to use this server to conduct an experiment to test his previous hypothesis; that he could bring items he placed on himself into the real world.

This was important!

If he was able to bring the 2nd level Core he obtained from Starscream back to the real world, it would be a significant breakthrough for him, as he already possessed the ability to travel between two different worlds.

Carrying a handbag filled with diamonds and gold bricks, Sun Cheng sat on the ground with his back against the server. As he thought about the mysterious spherical space hidden inside his body, he soon felt a fluctuation.

This was a new ability he obtained after visiting Area 7. Two days after his Core evolved into a Spark after touching the All Spark, he discovered that he could sense the existence of the spherical space when he thought about it.

As Sun Cheng tried to approach the fluctuation with his consciousness, he felt a sudden suction force and his vision started spinning before he could react.

When he came to his senses again, he found himself in the mysterious blue spherical space.

"Am I here again?" He couldn't wait to return to reality and had to calm down his excitement.

Upon closer inspection of the spherical space, Sun Cheng quickly noticed that there seemed to be some changes.

The space seemed to have become larger, and although it emitted a faint blue glow before, it now appeared much brighter.

In addition, the most obvious change was that in the center of the space, the two light screens that were originally present had now become three.

When his gaze caught this change, Sun Cheng was slightly surprised.

He immediately controlled his ghost-like body and floated towards the leftmost light screen, which represented the "real world." When it lit up, he saw the same scene of him sleeping in his dorm room as before, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing down to the lower left corner, he quickly exclaimed.

Sun Cheng remembered that there were originally two sets of numbers in the lower left corner of this light screen, one for the blue star count and one for the red star countdown. But now, only the blue star count remained, and the numbers had changed to 3750/5000.

He quickly controlled his body and floated towards the rightmost light screen. When it lit up, he saw the image of his mechanical body sitting against the server with a handbag, and when he looked at the numbers in the lower left corner, he saw that they had indeed changed. The blue stars and the other set of numbers were missing, leaving only the white star and the data for the last third.

With a mix of anxiety and anticipation, Sun Cheng silently floated to the newly appeared light screen in the center.

The next second, the light screen lit up.

But there was only one line of text and data at the bottom of the screen.

"Unknown parallel world fusion, countdown--01:47:17!"

"Unknown parallel world fusion? What does that mean?" With so little information to go on, Sun Cheng could only analyze it literally. "Does this light screen also generate an unknown parallel world like the Decepticon world?"

As he waited in the spherical space, Sun Cheng watched as the countdown on the new light screen approached zero.

The next second, a violent and gorgeous image appeared on the blank light screen above the text and data.

A transparent light screen, like glass, separated two gigantic whirlpools emitting dazzling colors. But the two huge whirlpools continued to rotate and collide violently against the transparent light screen between them, and meteorites flew through the void, colliding and producing deafening roars.

Brilliant light bursts erupted one after another, and the two huge whirlpools rotated quietly, constantly pulling and sucking the transparent light screen between them into the whirlpool.

Gradually, the light screen between them became thinner and lighter, and soon it completely disappeared.

The next second, when there was no longer any barrier, the two huge whirlpools collided fiercely with each other.

Streams of water shot out and colorful lights dazzled. The two huge whirlpools pulled and tugged at each other until they finally merged completely.

Soon, when everything returned to calm, Sun Cheng saw that there was a new change on the light screen.

Below the still image, two lines of text and data were refreshed.

"Jurassic Park fusion complete!"

"Unknown parallel world fusion, countdown--103679:59:59!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 50 These hands have never been as powerful as they are today


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