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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Once again awakened from his sleep, President Cheney's face was gloomy and ugly, but he did not erupt, instead silently put on a robe and walked out.

"What's wrong again?" he asked his secretary impatiently, although he was trying hard to control his emotions, there was still a hint of anger in his tone.

Every American President has multiple secretaries during his term, some are dedicated to news releases, some manage his social events, some handle document organization, and of course, there are confidential secretaries responsible for reporting important events.

Recommended by the National Security Council, Segesta was Cheney's second confidential secretary.

Seeing Cheney's sour face, Segesta took out a file from his briefcase and respectfully handed it to him, then stepped back and waited for Cheney's orders.

Cheney opened the file hastily and couldn't help but slam it on the desk next to him, "Sector Seven has been invaded too? Banachek just promised me, and now this happens?"

He couldn't help but be angry. Although he had known about the history, significance, and contribution of Sector Seven to the United States during his recent contacts, such a special organization with extremely high confidentiality, even the President could not easily interfere with, any American President would not be willing to let it continue to exist.

In fact, Cheney had been preparing to deal with Sector Seven. In his view, Sector Seven could be preserved, but it must be under government direct control, and a large part of its huge research base must be split up.

Cheney couldn't believe that Roosevelt would allow Sector Seven to form itself and recruit agents and security guards.

When he learned that Sector Seven would annually withdraw billions of dollars from the budget in the name of government special funds, although the head of Sector Seven, Tom Banachek, left a good impression on him, Cheney's desire to disband Sector Seven was unbearable.

"Mr. President, it is obvious that the existence of Sector Seven has been exposed. Should we transfer the important research items out of there?" Segesta, a member of the National Security Council and an important member of Cheney's shadow cabinet, had already learned some information about Sector Seven from President Cheney.

"It's difficult!" Cheney shook his head, "Banachek mentioned to me that the extraterrestrial meteorite located in the PB laboratory has powerful radioactive energy. Once it leaves the laboratory specially designed for it, its energy will make all nearby electronic devices go berserk. And there's NBE-1, Sector Seven checks it completely every year. They suspect that once the temperature and pressure change, the alien monster is likely to lose control!"

"But, we can't let them continue to mess around." This time, Sector Seven also encountered an invasion of suspected extraterrestrial biological mechanical soldiers, undoubtedly giving Cheney a good reason to intervene.

He thought for a long time before ordering Segesta, "Go, organize this information and send it to the Pentagon to Minister Voight, and have him arrange for a military force to be stationed in Sector Seven to ensure its safety."

After a pause, Cheney continued, "If the media pays attention to this, claim that the FBI received intelligence that terrorists have infiltrated the United States and are ready to bomb the Hoover Dam!"


Segesta quickly left to inform the Pentagon and the Secretary of Defense.

Feeling completely devoid of sleep, Cheney sighed helplessly, "These damn extraterrestrial creatures, why can't they just behave!"

Thinking about the four stolen nuclear warheads that are still missing, and the mechanical life forms hiding in some corner of the vast United States, he felt a headache coming on.


At one o'clock in the morning, on the outskirts of Saguache County, Southwest Colorado, a long-abandoned US "Titan One" underground intercontinental missile launch site.

The long-sealed well cover suddenly opened, accompanied by a burst of murky air with a hint of trace radioactive elements, a dark gray mechanical soldier quickly jumped out of the launch well, and it was none other than Sun Cheng.

"Has night fallen? I'm really not used to living in a place like this, it feels like being underground!"

Although he knew that few people would come here, Sun Cheng still looked around vigilantly before muttering his complaint.

However, when he thought about what he was about to do, his face suddenly filled with a smile.

Looking up at the sky, he determined his direction with the help of the satellites in outer space, and then leapt into the air, transforming into a Reaper drone and flying towards Colorado Springs.

It had been five days since he invaded and evacuated from Sector Seven, and although he had accurate information about the All Spark, he chose to keep it hidden and did not notify Starscream or Onslaught.

During these five days, Sun Cheng had been very busy. He traveled around the vast United States and finally settled in an abandoned nuclear missile launch site on the outskirts of Saguache County in southwestern Colorado. Sun Cheng planned to turn this place into his base, just like Onslaught and Starscream.

After obtaining the Spark, Sun Cheng's speed once again increased dramatically. His current speed was already over 900 kilometers per hour. Although there was a considerable distance between Saguache County and Colorado Springs, it was nothing more than a stroll in his eyes.

When he was still dozens of kilometers away from Colorado Springs, Sun Cheng slowed down and became cautious.

There were many military facilities related to air defense near Colorado Springs, including Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, and the North American Aerospace Defense Command headquarters. The air defense warning system here was relatively complete, and even Sun Cheng did not want to mess with the US Air Force easily.

After disguising himself to enter Colorado Springs, Sun Cheng went straight to an old factory on the outskirts of the city. When he saw the several crates on the empty ground of the factory, his face couldn't help but fill with excitement.

"Am I here?"

He did a backflip in the spacious factory, unable to conceal his pride.

Since following Onslaught, he learned that most of the advanced Decepticons enhanced their combat power by continuously strengthening their mechanical bodies. Sun Cheng had the idea of building an advanced laboratory for himself in the future.

Although he couldn't get advanced machines from Cybertron Planet like Onslaught and Starscream, Sun Cheng was not a pushover. By invading the US banking system, he transferred billions of dollars from tens of thousands of dead accounts in just over ten minutes. Then, he registered various shell companies through the network to launder the funds and used the names of multiple shell companies to purchase a large number of advanced machinery, equipment, and raw materials he needed. Then, he had a logistics company deliver them to several large cities in Colorado where he had factories.

Throughout the process, Sun Cheng contacted agents through the network. The design was very rigorous, and even if there was a problem in one link, it would not affect other places.

This factory on the outskirts of Colorado Springs was also one of his delivery points.

Here, a five-axis CNC machine tool, a metal laser cutting machine, and two diesel generators had completed the procedures for receiving them.

Of course, the recipient was also recruited by him from the internet.

What Sun Cheng needed to do now was to take these machines back at night and then use the Decepticons' special functions to upgrade them, and then use them to study how to further enhance his own mechanical body.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 49 Parallel World Fusion


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