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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Quick reactions, huh?"

As more and more base guards rushed over, the dense rain of bullets kept shooting at Sun Cheng, but he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

With his current mechanical body strength, even the 20mm or above caliber aircraft guns known for their power would need to focus on a certain armor on his mechanical body and shoot continuously multiple times to possibly cause damage.

In terms of individual weapons, except for a few such as anti-material sniper rifles, it was unlikely that anyone here could stop him from leaving.

Realizing this, Sun Cheng's speed increased instead of decreasing. This is a research base of the Americans, and it is difficult to say whether they have really set up some disgusting weapons that can stop him.

After all, the All Spark has been in the hands of the Americans for nearly a century, and they have even manufactured machines that can detect Decepticon energy fluctuations. If there really is some black technology weapon that can harm him, it would be a loss.

"Set up a defense... quickly bring Bradley over..."

"Stop him, don't let him get close to the hangar..."

"Shoot... shoot, damn it, our weapons can't penetrate its armor..."

Accompanied by the sound of explosions along the way, Sun Cheng pushed forward crazily.

After awakening the rapid-fire machine gun hidden in his left arm, he swept through with both sides open, taking away several lively lives almost every time he fired.

Enjoying the unrestrained pleasure of destruction, Sun Cheng finally stopped the slaughter after rushing out of the electromagnetic interference zone again. With a hint of complex emotions in his eyes, he scanned the humans around him with fear and felt a sudden sadness in his mind: "...humans are really fragile creatures..."

He coldly looked around at the humans, all of whom were either American elites, technical experts or military elites, much more glamorous than him in the real world.

But what does that matter?

In front of the powerful extraterrestrial life - Decepticon, their intelligence is useless in covering up their fatal weakness in their bodies. A bullet, or even a black knife, can easily harvest their precious lives.

Too weak!

The sudden sadness resonated in his heart, causing Sun Cheng, who had just been excited because he obtained the Spark, to finally stop the killing. He transformed back into a fierce beast form and rushed towards the entrance of the base with all his strength.


Simmons finally saw the appearance of the intruder. When he led the team through the new power research center, he heard heavy collisions and screams from a nearby passage, causing them to raise their weapons immediately.

"Oh, damn. It's him, the ghost of Tucson..."

Simmons had good eyesight, or he had indeed spent a lot of effort studying the clear image of Sun Cheng's mechanical body captured in Tucson.

So when he appeared, although the size of the beast form had changed slightly, Simmons still recognized him from the similar silhouette.

"Shoot... shoot... stop it from escaping..."

Dozens of people formed a dense line of fire, and Simmons shouted commands while constantly shooting at Sun Cheng with everyone else, obviously trying to stop him from advancing and even capture him alive.

But he was about to be disappointed, as he saw Sun Cheng still rushing towards them fiercely without slowing down. Simmons' face was very ugly, and he quickly waved and shouted, "No, get out of the way..."

Two black-clad operatives who couldn't avoid being hit were hit by Sun Cheng's huge impact force and flew up. One knocked down a pile of supplies not far away, and the other crashed heavily into the wall before falling down, both were close to dying.

"Use the freeze gun, use the freeze gun to freeze it..."

With Simon's persistent command, several black-clad operatives holding freeze guns kept trying to spray liquid helium onto Sun Cheng's mechanical body with several strange weapons.

"Get out of the way..."

After being accidentally frozen by liquid helium, Sun Cheng immediately became angry. Two machine guns extended from the outer walls of his forelimbs and he began firing wildly at the Sector 7 agents attempting to capture him.


The energy bullets from Cybertronian technology easily took the lives of those who were hit, and Sun Cheng quickly defeated those trying to stop him.


After moving his mechanical body to restore the frozen parts, Sun Cheng glanced at Simmons, who was staring at him in shock from the corner. He made a cold smile and continued to charge towards the entrance of the base.

As he approached the entrance, the resistance from the base guards became stronger.

To avoid several grenade launcher shots that stopped his progress, Sun Cheng had to temporarily evade the intense barrage of firepower from the guards.

"Da da da da da..."

After being hit by dozens of 30mm machine gun bullets, several cracks were left on his forelimbs, forcing Sun Cheng to take temporary cover.

The guards inside the base had already reacted and had equipped themselves with heavy weapons. They had deduced from Sun Cheng's previous movements that he might try to escape and had therefore concentrated most of their defense forces on the base.

It was true that they had successfully blocked Sun Cheng.

After releasing a group of insect scouts and seeing the dozen or so armed Humvees and M2 infantry vehicles blocking his path, Sun Cheng frowned, especially at the M2 infantry vehicles, which were equipped with "Tow" anti-tank missiles that could tear apart a mechanical body even harder than Baricade's. He was still a distance away from Baricade.

Fortunately, although Sun Cheng did not have Baricade's strength, he had already obtained the Spark and was not too weak.

Using the evolved insect scouts, Sun Cheng unexpectedly discovered that the defense forces of the base were concentrated on the route leading to one of the exits, while there were almost no defenses on the other side. He immediately changed his course.

He commanded the insect scouts to explore the less defended area and quickly discovered another exit leading outside the base. He jumped up and, at the cost of adding a few more cracks to his mechanical body, destroyed the two large-caliber howitzers that he feared the most, and continued towards the exit.

Seven or eight minutes later, he had returned to his human form and kicked open the tightly closed door. He walked out of the elevator, facing a guard camp near the Hoover Dam.

Sun Cheng raised his hand and fired several shots, adding a few more lives to his hands.

As he walked out of the elevator room, he glanced around and suddenly caught sight of a blue-gray figure. He couldn't help but approach it and looked at it with a strange expression on his face.

"MQ-9 Reaper drone? I didn't expect the US military to have deployed one here..."

Although he heard the nearby footsteps, alarms, and shouts, Sun Cheng was not in a hurry to leave.

After scanning the Reaper drone with his Spark's computational power, he couldn't resist his desire to fly in the sky.

He immediately abandoned his recently acquired beast mode transformation and chose to scan the Reaper drone.

After a few dozen seconds, a brand new Reaper drone suddenly rose from the camp and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 48 Research Base


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