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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"All Spark!"

"It's really the All Spark!"

As soon as Sun Cheng emerged from the water tank, he felt a hidden and wonderful energy wave coming from afar, stimulating his Core to the point of chaos. Sun Cheng was so excited that he almost jumped up.

The All Spark, that was the supreme Sacred artifact of Cybertron Planet. According to Onslaught, it was the source of life and the destination of the soul for the Decepticons, possessing the great power to allow any Decepticon to evolve to a higher level!

At the thought of finally being able to get rid of Soundwave's threat and evolve his lowest level Core to a higher level, he couldn't help but get excited.

He quickly jumped out of the water tank and carefully hid in a dead corner of the tank.

Although he wanted to fly to the All Spark immediately, he could still think calmly and cautiously.

There must be more to the Hoover Dam. If his speculation was correct, the Americans discovered the All Spark that fell to Earth more than 90 years ago and secretly brought it here for research. If the power of the All Spark was exposed, it was very likely that this place would be heavily guarded.

For caution, he first released several groups of insect scouts to investigate the direction of the All Spark's energy wave, and also to feel out the guard situation here.

Soon, a continuous stream of images was transmitted from the insect scouts.

Where Sun Cheng was now located was clearly at least a few kilometers away from the Hoover Dam. This was a huge base with bright lights, and the insect scouts discovered several huge workshop-like factories filled with all kinds of machinery in just a few minutes.

Not only could guards with guns be seen patrolling back and forth in the base, but there were also workers and technicians with various ID badges coming and going.

Controlling one of the insect scouts to approach the technicians for a while, he was surprised to find that this base was full of engineers specializing in energy, mechanical equipment manufacturing, metal materials as well as artificial intelligence and computer fields. With such a dense distribution of high-level technical personnel, he absolutely believed that this was the top research center in the United States.

"The Seventh District, is this what it refers to?"

The insect scout saw this word on a manager's chest badge, and Sun Cheng thought to himself.

Not long ago, when he sneaked into Tucson to investigate clues about the All Spark, he was detected by a strange detector. Several black-clad men appeared nearby claiming to be from the "Seventh District".

At that time, Sun Cheng thought it was because he and others had been exposed by Onslaught at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, and the US government was able to produce detection equipment for Decepticons in just half a month.

Now, thinking about it, with Cybertron Planet's technology, if it could really be deciphered by the Americans in such a short time, this country's hacking abilities were too great.

The insect scout quickly confirmed that the Americans had already noticed the All Spark's special influence on electronic devices, so they not only built a thick anti-radiation isolation wall with lead, but also artificially created an electromagnetic interference protection zone behind the wall, making it impossible for his insect scouts to approach the All Spark, and all were defeated in the electromagnetic interference zone.

However, after releasing several arrays of insect scouts, he was able to understand the patrol frequency and route of the guards.

After quickly formulating a relatively safe route for himself, Sun Cheng did not delay and immediately ran towards the direction of the All Spark.

Running all the way, using the high-speed maneuverability of his new mechanical body, he ran extremely fast.

Thanks to the various machinery in this base, although there were many workers, with the help of the Spy Template and insect scouts, Sun Cheng could always find visual blind spots before being exposed.

So, he didn't expose himself until he broke through the lead wall.

After rushing into the electromagnetic interference zone, Sun Cheng couldn't help but show a painful expression on his face.

For Decepticons, electromagnetic interference was undoubtedly the lowest cost countermeasure.

The mechanical body of Decepticons was filled with various circuits and silicon crystals, although more advanced than those made by humans, it was still susceptible to electromagnetic interference, but to varying degrees.

Enduring the headache that almost made his head explode, in order to quickly break out of the interference zone, Sun Cheng no longer cared about hiding his figure and almost instantly increased his speed to the limit, like a out-of-control racing car rushing out of the electromagnetic interference zone.


After breaking out of the interference zone, Sun Cheng's head was still a little confused, and he felt something fly out after he collided with it.

After shaking his head, [Core] finally resumed normal operation. He fixed his gaze on a huge cube tens of meters away, which emitted a terrifying energy that made him tremble with excitement. It was the [All Spark].

Reluctantly, Sun Cheng withdrew his gaze. Although he was only a few steps away from the [All Spark], he was in big trouble.

A pool of blood nearby, a corpse beside it, and a white engineer wearing a safety helmet and looking nervous a few steps away from him, all proved one thing - Sun Cheng had been exposed.

"NBE (Non-Biological Extraterrestrial, i.e. alien beings from outside the Earth)..."

Although he was a little slow to react, the white engineer immediately screamed in a sharp and miserable voice.

Sun Cheng's heart sank. He immediately transformed back into his human form and raised his right palm, aiming the rapid-fire machine gun in the palm of his hand at the white engineer who had discovered him and fired two precise shots, sending him to meet his maker.

However, his goal was still achieved.

The sharp screams and sudden gunshots quickly alerted a group of technicians who were studying the [All Spark] nearby. They either shouted loudly for help or screamed and fled, and the sharp red alarm sounded immediately.

"Damn, I don't have much time left!"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Sun Cheng suppressed the urge to turn around and flee, and ran towards the huge [All Spark] nearby.

Soon he realized how right his decision was!

When Sun Cheng came within three to five meters of the [All Spark], he clearly felt the abundant energy continuously flowing into his mechanical body from the [All Spark]. For a moment, he felt as if he was immersed in a hot spring, warm and comfortable all over.

And when he finally reached the front of the [All Spark] and eagerly reached out to touch it, the electric blue light around the [All Spark] crazily jumped, enveloping Sun Cheng.

With even more violent energy and a great power that he couldn't even describe, a huge amount of information crazily flowed into Sun Cheng's mechanical body, and after a short circulation, it began to gather towards the [Core] located in his brain!

Accompanied by a piercing pain that almost crushed his consciousness, in the next moment, a severe dizziness struck him.

Sun Cheng finally remembered where he was, so he desperately took a deep breath and didn't let himself completely faint.

The whole process lasted for several minutes, until he felt that there was no more energy or information flowing into his body. He hesitated and withdrew his arms, which had been like magnets since the beginning.

Subconsciously calling out to [Core], he wanted to feel the changes in his body.

When a piece of information suddenly fed back from [Core] to Sun Cheng's head, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but exclaim, "Spark!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 46: Killing a Path of Blood


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