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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After all, it's the sewer, a place that harbors filth and dirt.

Although the mechanical body of the Decepticons does not have a human respiratory system and cannot feel the possible pungent smell.

But Sun Cheng also didn't think that the sewers crawling with rats and cockroaches would be a good place, especially after a cockroach accidentally fell on his face.

But now escaping is the most important thing, so he immediately transformed back into his beast form and quickly ran towards the city center.

The reason why he ran towards the city center instead of the suburbs is because although he is closer to the suburbs now, he has no doubt that he has attracted the entire Tucson's alert force to the suburbs after such a big commotion and pursuit.

According to normal human logic, they would think that he would continue to flee towards the suburbs after sneaking into the sewers.

So at this moment, he suddenly fled in the opposite direction, which actually increased his chances of escape.

As for the detection device in the hands of the Americans, he was not too worried. Although the sewers of Tucson are well-built, they are not luxurious enough to allow humans to chase him on motorcycles.

Therefore, even if they have a detection device and eventually discover his escape direction, it would be difficult for them to catch up with him.

Sure enough, more than forty minutes later, when Sun Cheng jumped out of the sewer pipe in another direction in the suburbs of Tucson, he did not encounter anyone blocking his way.

The thrilling journey in Tucson almost scared him to death.

Fortunately, Sun Cheng was clever enough. After successfully escaping, he headed north all the way and reached the northern city of Arizona, Flagstaff, at the limit of his speed, a few hours later.

The [Barringer Crater] he is currently investigating is located in Flagstaff. Although it has been many years, he does not believe that there are any clues left here. However, based on the lucky mentality of not letting any mistakes go, Sun Cheng still made a trip.

The [Barringer Crater] is located on a desert plateau southeast of Flagstaff. Like most of Arizona, the climate here is dry, desolate, and remote.

After the encounter in Tucson, Sun Cheng's character undoubtedly became more cautious. Before reaching the [Barringer Crater], he sent two groups of insect detectors to investigate the nearby area. After confirming that there were no ambushes or other humans, he quickly approached the meteorite crater.

Admittedly, when he saw the [Barringer Crater] up close, Sun Cheng was also shocked for a moment.

"Diameter of 1.2 kilometers, depth of 150 meters...calculated by the impact force, this must be a huge meteorite with a diameter of at least thirty to forty meters..."

However, after observing it up close and calculating some data, Sun Cheng was moved.

A huge meteorite that fell from the sky ten thousand years ago, even if it was shattered and weathered during the fall, its size is probably not much smaller. With the ability of American engineering machinery ninety years ago, it would be extremely difficult to transport it to a farther place unless it was transported by water.

As far as he knows, the two small towns of Black Gorge in Wyoming and Colorado, one located on the plateau and the other at the foot of the mountain, have one thing in common, they are both very far away from here.

Compared with that, the Black Gorge located at the junction of Nevada and Arizona is much closer.

In addition, there is an almost unobstructed waterway from Flagstaff to Black Gorge.

If Sun Cheng had to choose, he would definitely choose to transport the meteorite there ninety years ago.

The premise is that the meteorite must be the [All Spark], otherwise, he can't think of why the Americans would spend so much money to transport a large stone from a place that is already difficult to expose to another place that is even more difficult to expose, even if it is a meteorite.

After circling around the meteorite crater for a while, Sun Cheng even went down to search for a while, but as expected, he couldn't find any useful clues. He didn't feel disappointed either, after all, it has been more than ninety years since the meteorite was taken away, and time has already wiped out any possible clues.

The city of Flagstav is not far from Onslaught's base in the Grand Canyon, only a short three to four hundred kilometers, which is only two to three hours for Sun Cheng, who has slowed down after the danger alert has been lifted.

A few hours later, after familiarizing himself with the route, he arrived at the Grand Canyon and returned to Onslaught's base.

"Onslaught, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you!"

First, he sent a communication to Onslaught inside the cave from the platform outside the base as a courtesy. Sun Cheng also knew that there were monitoring devices placed by Onslaught on the platform, although the locations were very concealed, they could not hide from his equipment, "Spy Template".

After reminding the other party, he was about to go in when he suddenly received a communication from the other party, "Have you found any clues about the All Spark?"

"No, I'm still investigating! I came this time because I found some shortcomings in my mechanical body these few days, and I want to ask for your help, Onslaught, sir."

Because he hadn't confirmed whether the meteorite in the Baglin Crater was the All Spark, Sun Cheng didn't mention it.

But he didn't expect that after he sent the communication, he quickly received a reply from the other party.

"Haven't found anything? Don't bother me if you haven't found anything? Get lost..."

A cold reply from Onslaught made Sun Cheng, who had just taken a few steps into the cave, stop in his tracks and stand there stunned, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling cold all over.

Although he had guessed before that Onslaught would help him modify his mechanical body, the purpose was just like Starscream, to use his information search expertise for his own purposes.

But compared to Barricade, Starscream, Soundwave, Spectro, Lazerbeak, and others, since he crossed over to this world, the Decepticon he has been in contact with the longest is Onslaught.

Before, he thought that he was easy to talk to most of the time, so Sun Cheng selectively ignored that he, like Barricade, Starscream, Soundwave, and others, was a Decepticon, a mechanical life form whose only goal was to increase their strength and was left with nothing but conspiracy, calculation, and destruction in their minds, and they had radically different values and attitudes towards life from humans.

The faint feeling of closeness to Onslaught in his heart disappeared completely in this cold reply.

"Was I thinking too much? In this world, I can only rely on myself after all!"

Sun Cheng stood quietly at the entrance of the cave for a while before he reluctantly adjusted his mood, then turned around without saying a word. He jumped off the platform with a leap and ran at full speed towards the "Black Canyon" at the border of Nevada and Arizona.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 44 All Spark Source


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