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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Thrown down from mid-air by Lazerbeak, Sun Cheng used the trunk of a North American redwood tree to jump and spin in the air before landing safely on the ground.

After standing firmly, he looked up at the sky, but Lazerbeak was nowhere to be found. It was evident that he had already gone back to protect Soundwave, who was about to enter a state of hibernation.

After a brief search to confirm that there were no humans nearby, Sun Cheng transformed back into his human form and sat on the ground.

He had survived!

This was what he needed to be grateful for the most right now. Sun Cheng never expected Starscream to be so decisive in attacking Soundwave, who was also part of the same faction.

However, for him, this was not a bad thing. From the injuries Soundwave sustained, it was likely that he would need to hibernate for at least three to five years before his mechanical body could be repaired.

"Perhaps this is why he let me go!" Sun Cheng had a sudden realization.

It was obvious that Soundwave was very worried that in the few years during his hibernation, Starscream would find the All Spark. Starscream had come to Earth decades ago, and if he did not already have accurate information about the All Spark, there was no reason why he would attack Soundwave so blatantly.

While Soundwave was in hibernation, he would be vulnerable, so he had to leave behind the loyal Lazerbeak to guard him. However, this meant that he had no one to use for his own purposes.

Sun Cheng thought about it and realized that this was probably why Soundwave did not immediately deal with him when he found out that his memories had been restored. Instead, he threatened and coerced Sun Cheng to force him to work for him.

"Fortunately..." After temporarily avoiding the danger to his life, Sun Cheng could not help but feel excited.

It was evident that Soundwave did not know he was no longer 'Frenzy.' Through the mysterious spherical space hidden within his body, Sun Cheng could leave this world and return to his original reality before Soundwave woke up again.

However, this was undoubtedly the best outcome for him.

After sorting out his thoughts, Sun Cheng stood up and prepared to leave this unknown forest. Although he knew that Onslaught was unlikely to be worried about him, he still sent a remote communication to inform Onslaught that he was going to see Soundwave and had been assigned a new task before he returned.

After sending the communication, he looked around the lush forest. Lazerbeak had thrown him somewhere, but it didn't matter. He was no longer the same as he was a few days ago. With his new mechanical body, Sun Cheng's strength had significantly increased, although not enough to face an entire army like Barricade and the others. He could, however, protect himself and execute missions alone.

Comparing the sun to determine the direction, Sun Cheng transformed back into his animal form and ran towards the southern direction he had chosen. Along the way, he occasionally used animal trails and streams to adjust his route.

After running for over half an hour, he finally caught sight of some wooden stakes left behind after human logging.

Sun Cheng knew he was about to leave the forest, and his spirits rose. He had been cautious and waited on the edge of the forest until nightfall before quietly leaving.

Feeling his way towards the nearby human settlement, Sun Cheng was disappointed. There was no human city he expected, at most, just a small town that could accommodate a few hundred households. He snuck into dozen households but wasn't able to find a even a single computer.

Thanks to the road signs, Sun Cheng confirmed that he was currently in Oregon, a few dozen kilometers south of Nevada and over 200 kilometers east of Idaho.

After finally figuring out his current location, Sun Cheng couldn't help but start thinking.

In the next phase, he planned to infiltrate a larger human city in order to search for clues about the All Spark.

It wasn't that Sun Cheng was genuinely intimidated by Soundwave and ready to work for him. But when Soundwave tampered with his Core, it did serve as a warning that made Sun Cheng suddenly realize how much he needed the All Spark.

Since his time traveling, he had already learned that the Core was the foundation of the Decepticons. However, at the time, he wasn't quite clear on why. It wasn't until Onslaught helped him design a new mechanical body that Sun Cheng realized that even the most powerful mechanical body was useless without a stronger Core.

But obtaining a Core was not easy. For one, he had no idea how to make one. Even elite warriors like Onslaught knew very little about the Core. It was likely that only Decepticon giants like Starscream, Soundwave, and Megatron knew how to make one.

Sun Cheng had previously made a deal with Starscream, who had given him a level 2 Core. But he was too afraid to ask for the higher-level Spark that Starscream had promised him.

Not to mention, with Onslaught forcibly taking half of his loot, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel he might be punished. Furthermore, with Onslaught's more sinister personality compared to Soundwave, Sun Cheng didn't want to experience the pain of having his life controlled again.

Sun Cheng didn't know how to make a Core, and the only boss who could give him one, Starscream, was someone he didn't trust at all.

Thus, the only way for Sun Cheng to upgrade his Core and remove the threat from Soundwave was to find the All Spark.

The All Spark was the Decepticons' supreme Sacred artifact, and Sun Cheng knew almost nothing about it until recently.

However, when he was with Onslaught, he had used it as a topic to gather some information.

According to Onslaught, the All Spark may have come from the Cybertron Ancient Era – Dynasty of Primes Era. It was said to be a divine artifact created by one or even multiple elders, possessing almost infinite energy and the ability to give life to machines. In the ancient times of Cybertron, all Decepticons and even Autobots were given life by the All Spark and evolved into more powerful beings.

Sun Cheng believed that if he could find the All Spark, he would have a great chance of solving his Core problem.

However, finding the All Spark was not an easy task.

Starscream was scheming, Soundwave was always close behind, Onslaught was waiting for an opportunity, and there was also the Autobot that appeared briefly at the end of his mission. All of them indicated that the All Spark might be on Earth, but Earth was so big that finding the All Spark was not a simple task.

"Oh, I remember Onslaught mentioning that the All Spark is a huge cube that would be mistaken for a meteorite if it landed on Earth. It emits an evolution force that would bring any electronic machine close to life and turn them into robots. If that's the case, there must be witnesses who have recorded it..."

After finally sorting out two important clues to find the All Spark, Sun Cheng felt a sudden surge of energy. After a brief hesitation, he left the town called "Ogden Marsh" and continued south towards Nevada.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 41 Follow the clues


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