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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.


Thomas Corp

I’ll be honest in that the hype for this movie threw me off some. The way I heard critics and viewers sell this, combined with how this rather overwhelmingly won on the poll set the bar a little high. Ultimately it is a fun popcorn picture. You’re right that this isn’t some serious thought-provoking drama. Which is what I was telling myself to keep expectations in check. As the line in Barton Fink goes, “The audience wants to see action, adventure. They don't want to see a guy wrestling with his soul. Well, all right, a little for the critics.” And in the end, I’m just happy to see that you had such a lovely time with this movie, Jess. I confess worry on my part when I saw how many parts the reaction was in, thinking that technical problems struck again. But once it became clear as to why, the worry disappeared, especially when you expressed pride in being productive whilst filming this reaction. As I see Ryan expressed, a big draw for ardent D&Ders is how the movie feels like a session brought to life. The group were all good. Yes, I did suspect Simon would likely be your favorite of the bunch. I loved your being his hype-woman throughout the reaction. I’d say, of the group, Doric was my favorite, despite the snake betrayal. When you expressed her plan was amazing right before you saw the snake. I noted, “Oh dear.” and your reaction following seeing the snake was about what I expected. I had a jolt at it myself, though my brain latched onto the cgi aspect of it, and the fact that it was mercifully brief. Thus, I commented, “Ok, it’s not THAT bad, still, I know Jess isn’t going to like it.” Likewise, the literal snake person at the beginning of the movie, that, also, mercifully brief. I could have used a lot more of Hugh Grant being the piece of shit scumbag that he played very well. I too enjoyed the graves scene where they ask the questions. I would have chimed in with, “WHAT is the capital of Assyria?” Of course, if this were an actual session, it would break one of the cardinal rules of D&D. Which is never, I mean NEVER quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail, because if one guy starts doing it, everyone starts doing it. It keeps going, leads to quoting all of Monty Python, eventually quoting Douglas Adams comes into play for the sake of variety, a little of The Princess Bride for seasoning and before you know it, someone starts quoting super obscure nerd humor that even the most well-read and knowledgeable nerd doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, and the session slows to a crawl. The death and resurrection of Holga, specifically your reaction to it, got me more emotional than I would have anticipated. Your reaction to that part got to me pretty bad. That sucks about Sally, by the way, having to deal with the group disturbing her slumber. Thankfully, as you noted, she survived the impressive stab move the one guy pulled off. All in all, again, I’m just so happy to see this was a movie you had a marvelously fun time with. And it resulted in a most fun reaction, Jess, thank you.


I was very surprised by how much they were able to make who to use the tablet for a genuine agonizing choice, even if there's never much question which way he'll go. The heroes genuinely lose something big, and there's no narrative cheating to let them have it back (I'm looking at you, Frozen 2). And despite how light most of the movie is, you really do care about them all and are totally invested in the moment.

Paul Flux

Fun fact: among this great cast, the actor who plays the Red Wizard Sophina is Daisy Head. She is the daughter of Anthony Stuart Head, and as you can imagine, he's as proud as punch about her performance in this!