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Star Wars: Rebels 1x09/1x10 "Gathering Forces"/ "Path of the Jedi" Reaction

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The Grand Inquisitor: “You know, it's an ugly business, doing one's duty. But just occasionally... it's a real pleasure.” Ezra: “Before this war is over, I'm going to kill you.” The Grand Inquisitor: “Why wait?”


Yes, Sesska, this is definitely a reminder of the Jedi younglings finding their crystals on Ilum. I am thankful you decided to react to Rebels. You will enjoy the progression of this series, especially when Season 2 gets underway. No spoilers from me,


I love these two episodes and Kanan and Ezra's relationship, so I'm thrilled you enjoyed them too. Just a heads-up that there are likely to be spoilers for Rebels in the Ahsoka series trailers and eventually the show so you'll probably want to try to avoid them if you can. There *may* (I think are likely to be) spoilers in the remaining episodes of The Mandalorian, but there's not much you can do about that since you're already watching it. This is the downside of such an interconnected universe, you're always going to be bumping into things that were revealed in other series, books, comic books, etc. It's a bummer for reactors, but I'm still excited for your reactions regardless of what you know or when you know it.


I'd never had any interest in the animated shows before The Mandalorian, but seeing how much the fans freaked out over the Darksaber finally got me to check them out (especially since they're now all conveniently rounded up on Disney+). The reveal already worked well as just a cool black lightsaber, but I'm very glad I took that time before Season 2 started.


Yes season 2 for me, is its best season, almost every episode is a cracker.


Thank you do much for reacting to this series, or as I like to think of it, Jigsaw piece in a bigger picture. I'm really glad you're enjoying it. Although I'm aware it's not every Star Wars fans cup of tea, I absolutely loved it. Episode 10 heavily inspired a particular part of a fan fiction I wrote some time ago. Very much hoping the viewing figures for your reactions to this series justifies your continued viewing of it. See you next time!


Having seen episode 7 of Mando early at Celebration, there's no spoilers for Rebels in it beyond anything she doesn't already know. Though it's unclear if the finale will still have any spoilers for Rebels.


Rebels spoilers possibly being in The Mandalorian tomorrow or next week, the thought has crossed my mind, though like you say, at this point, it is unavoidable. My brother’s behind on the animated shows, and I'm already anticipating that if he hasn’t caught up by the time one or two things air, I'm going to be getting a LOT of phone calls where I have to explain a thing or two.


Season 4 is the best for me, each season just gets better than the previous imo, and S4 is just a constant high that builds and builds.


It was amazing being part of those huge crowds and community while listening to the actors and watching the Ahsoka trailer and Mando. Had a photo with Dee Bradley Baker and Hayden Christensen, they're really cool guys. Best part was meeting Blind Wave at the end though.