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Clone Wars 6x10/6x11 Full Reaction

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I have a question for you, will you continue your animated star wars journey with the bad batch?


Here again, we have a most superb arc. The first episode was great for providing clarity and some resolution to some of the mysteries of Attack of the Clones, specifically the mysteries concerning Sifo-Dyas. To address your question on Count Dooku’s actions, by cleaning up the mess, he’s eliminating anyone that could conceivably talk. There's also the concern of if the Pykes held onto Silman as a bargaining chip, they are a potential wild card that would need to be addressed, and Silman would have to be silenced before he shared any vital information. Now, yes, Dooku’s actions result in the Jedi learning of his Sith name, Darth Tyranus, or rather they learn that he was the man called Tyranus who was the one to hire Jango Fett. And, yes, you’re not incorrect that the episode could have been a bit clearer on that matter. Of course, although the Jedi now know this, it’s too late to do anything about it, as at this point, Darth Sidious has practically already won. Even if he were to lose, he would still win. A tricky spot the Jedi are in with the matter of how to deal with the clones, and the rather cruel and dark irony of it all is they make both the right decision and the wrong decision. With the second episode of the arc, that was big when it premiered. Though he had appeared in the Mortis arc, to hear again Liam Neeson’s voice as Qui-Gon Jinn was so emotional. It was interesting that there were many differing perspectives as to what Yoda was experiencing. I get a small laugh after Yoda’s examination when they determine that physically and mentally, Yoda’s doing pretty good for being 877 years old. It’s great how Yoda took advantage of Anakin’s shall we say certain disregard for the rules. And I love how Anakin has the line, “Hey, for once, none of this was my idea.” The scenes of Yoda on Dagobah were nostalgic beyond belief. A haunting moment when Yoda sees the shadows of the things that will be, and how he begins to see that, as a wise old woman once said, “The Republic was never what was important, ever. It was but a shell that surrounds the Jedi. Just as the teachings of the Jedi are a shell surrounding the heart of man.” You mentioned about the music, which, yes, Kevin Kiner’s score is particularly good in this arc. I love how he sneaks in the motif that John Williams composed for Qui-Gon, and how he has excellent presentations of Yoda’s Theme. When I was watching these episodes again, hearing those themes got me to start crying. I swear that the older I get, the more that John’s music just makes me weep, both for how good it is, and for how much I love it. To discuss Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis for a moment. When I caught this again, I more noticed his body and how snakey it is. This then got me to say, “Oooh yeah, forgot about that. Yeah, Jess isn’t going to like that not one bit.” You reacted to him the way I thought you would. This reaction was terrific, Jess, and I can’t wait for next week to see your reaction to the conclusion of this arc.


Plus, after this story just watch the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Yoda tells Luke he'll find in that cave "only what you take with you." Quite luckily, Frank Oz's performance both vocally and with the puppet can easily be read with the subtext that he's remembering seeing the destruction of the Jedi here.


Padme's actress Catherine Taber pretty obviously also plays the doctor here, just putting a slight accent on her regular voice. I always find it neat to spot things like that.


Was not expecting 6x11 today as well. As Palpatine himself would say "A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!" :D For 6x10 : One of the reasons Attack Of The Clones, for me, is the worst film in the franchise, was due to this glaring plot hole that was never fully explained, and that we were supposed to find out more about in Revenge Of The Sith. However Lucas didn't bother to elucidate further on it. Its a shame it took this series to explain it, and tie things up a lot better. I also felt in that film, the introduction of Dooku was unnecessary, and that they shouldn't have killed off Maul in Phantom, and have him be the face of The Separatists throughout, and Anakin be the one to fight him throughout until he kills him and becomes Sidious's final apprentice (and the final Sith). HOWEVER, over the years, I've have grew to appreciate the character of Dooku more and more, he was a very different type of baddie in the galaxy, one who was aristocratic, who had gravitas, who has the coolest lightsabre in Star Wars, and has such a beautiful fighting style (which was expertly animated in this episode, the footwork in the duel was fantastic to watch), so much so, that I have been itching to see his earlier life as a Jedi, as I think before he fell, he would have been very well respected in the order. And we are going to get a bit of that with the upcoming Tales Of The Jedi, where we'll see different 'tone poem' episodes Filoni is working on, (one where we'll see Ahsoka as an infant with her mother before Plo Koon brings her to the temple), and we'll see Dooku in it too as a full on Jedi Master. Can't wait for that and it arrives tomorrow!!! For 6x11 and the start of this story : Such a beautiful, but melancholic little arc this is; as we know we are nearing the end, and that the Jedi are now pretty much doomed, but that hope must remain, if the Sith are to be destroyed. I love how virtually all the High Council members are present here, as it will be one of the last times that Council will gather, before the catastrophe that is incoming. The music in this is just wondrous, and helps to show off Star Wars at its best, not least of which is the use of Yoda's Theme, as this is about his journey to make sure that light remains as the galaxy turns dark.


I was listening to another character she plays later on in Rebels the other day, and had I not checked to see who voiced that character, I didn't know it was her. Then once I found out, I began to pick out her traits.


Who was the old woman who said that? Kreia maybe? She liked to go on a bit! :P


I pretty much loved Count Dooku right off the bat. And although it took a while to realize it, I love Count Dooku more than I do Darth Maul, and I love Maul a lot. Part of it is due to Dooku’s portrayed by Sir Christopher Lee. Incidentally, seeing Attack of the Clones for the first time when I was a kid was my introduction to Sir Christopher who is now in my top three favorite actors. It’s as you say, the gravitas, the aristocratic nature, the lightsaber design that would be my go-to lightsaber design, and the most impressive fighting style of Makashi. The animation of the Makashi fighting style is great, I agree.


Nice, I'll pat myself on the back with that one. Long time since I played the KOTOR games!


Oh yeah my apathy towards Dooku when I first saw AOTC had nothing to do with the great Christopher Lee. Growing up in the UK during the 80's, I'd be watching him every other week, along with his great friend Peter Cushing aka Tarkin, in the Hammer Horror films, and anytime I think of Dracula, I think of him and his memorable turns as the dashing vampire chief. He was a legend, and by that time, he was playing Saruman too in the LOTR films, which only added to his icon. I found out recently that he was perfect to play another Count, especially with its links to Star Wars and indeed, even to his master in the franchise. Christopher Lee's mother, was an Italian Countess, and one of the family titles they held was of a "Count Palatine", which I find astonishing, as Palatine is the name of a very famous and influential hill in Rome, that Imperial Palaces were built on during the Roman Empire, and whom the character of Palpatine here is named after! Blew my mind when I read that. His lightsabre is just the best. I wish they made it green for when he was a Jedi, instead of blue though, but Qui-Gon has a green sabre, so I expect they didn't want to clash it with that. I would have been drooling at the thought of wielding Dooku's hilt with the glorious dark green (that Luke and another character Jess will meet later) uses. Yes his technique and form for Makashi is wonderful to watch, so elegant. He was the undisputed master with it, and note, for me the best duellist in the order, Obi-Wan, always got his ass handed to him anytime he tried to take on Dooku - even past his prime, which is the only reason Anakin is able to best him eventually later.


Yeah, the Hammer Horror films are excellent. I first started seeing them in high school around the same time I got really into the Universal Horror films. Having been introduced to both Peter Cushing and Sir Christopher Lee through Star Wars and loving them as Grand Moff Tarkin and Count Dooku, it was a real treat seeing for the first time their work in the Hammer Horror films. That is a great fun fact about Sir Christopher’s family ties. I thought Dooku’s Jedi lightsaber was green in at least the old expanded universe, though I might be wrong on that, it’s been a while since I've seen or read some of that. Myself, I’d go with the curved hilt, but with the red as I've always been a massive fan of the Sith/Dark Side characters. Were I to go with a Jedi color for a lightsaber blade, I would go with green.


Plus, he basically was a real life James Bond during World War 2, and Saruman’s dying gasp is based on the sound Nazis made when he stabbed them in the back. It was a huge missed opportunity that his turn as a Bond villain was in such a silly movie.


In the trailer for Tales Of The Jedi, Dooku's lightsabre is a washed out blue, eugh... But yes that specific dark green hue that Luke and **** ******* wields, is just gorgeous, so threatening, especially in dark or interior locations. Yoda here and Ahsoka have lighter shades of green, and heck one of Ahsoka's even looks more yellowish than green, and they are fine, but I far prefer her blade colours later! :D


Ah come on, Scaramanga and his three nipples is iconic! :D Talking of James Bond, Christopher Lee was partially related to Ian Fleming, who created Bond. Man what a life he he had. Talented singer as well, comfortable doing opera and heavy metal! What a lege!