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She-Hulk 1x09 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

I’d say I share your mild complaint on wanting more direct focus on Jen’s personal journey. Otherwise, a solid finale. I’m with you on loving Jen’s dad. When the Disney+ menu popped up, I thought there was technical difficulties on my end. I went, “Whoa! Wait, what is going on?! I didn’t hit anything!” Then it sunk in what they were doing with the whole Blazing Saddles type demolishing of the fourth wall. I swear, the entire middle portion of the episode I kept wanting Slim Pickens to pop up out of nowhere, and say, “Piss on you. I’m workin’ for Mel Brooks!” By the end of the episode, I even thought, “At this point, with all the fourth wall breaks, I’m expecting Jen’s dad to introduce Daredevil to his cousin Balki.” I also expected that in the final scene that Emil would receive a visit from a certain Contessa. Alas, much as everyone would have loved to have seen Madisynn again, I've been told that the finale was filmed prior to Madisynn’s introduction thus she couldn’t appear. No worries though, we’ll see plenty of Madisynn and Wongers in the spin-off show. I will agree with you on it was great of this show that it stuck to its guns on what it wanted to say and didn’t back down from that. And I agree with you that it did not feel to me like the show was targeting men in general. More it felt like they were targeting a specific subset of men; a specific mentality that certain men have. I am sorry that people gave you shit over this show. I personally had a good time sharing this show with you, Jess. It may not have been my favorite Marvel show, but it was a good experience sharing the show with you, I had a good time. You are most welcome by the way for the support given following the last She-Hulk reaction. It warms the heart to know that the support you received was much appreciated.


I love the implication that it couldn't be the real Kevin Feige because he never would have made these mistakes in the first place. Also, slowly realizing part of the robot looks like a baseball cap was so much funnier than if they just put an actual hat on it.


I very much appreciated that Madisynn doesn't appear again, since it stands as proof that however many accusations KEVIN gets thrown at him, she wasn't the result of some cynical, deliberate manufacturing of a fan-favorite character and it happened totally organically.


I loved this episode, and I loved your reaction, but you showed your age (as in how young you are), by not really reacting to the episode intro. It was a recreation of the 1970s "Incredible Hulk" (starring Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner and Lou Ferrigno as the Incredible Hulk). I loved that show as a kid (I'm in my 50s). That was definitely a nod to all of us older Marvel fans and I loved it. ❤️

Thomas Corp

I’m in my early thirties, and I recognized and had a huge laugh over the opening recreation of the intro to The Incredible Hulk. That was a great moment of the finale.

Jenny Chalek

Yeah, I'm 54 and I got it immediately, because I watched it as a kid.

Jenny Chalek

Thank you so much for continuing to be the greatest reactor on the internet, despite all the shenanigans people have been up to harassing you. People like that are just sad.


And if anyone's wondering, that's the actress who was the physical reference for She-Hulk in the sequence.