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House of the Dragon 1x08 Full Reaction

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And now keep in mind the whole “Prince Who Was Promised” is total bullshit anyway, as it turns out to be Arya, without any Targaryen blood, who uses that dagger to put an end to the White Walkers. That’s what everything that’s about to happen is over.


I’ve actually seen some people speculate that this show, which has a totally different creative team and GRR more involved, is going to totally retcon the GOT ending if they get to a full four seasons.


Personally, I don’t think they’d necessarily retcon the ending per se. I could see them recontextualizing and/or providing new information that would perhaps change the perception of the ending.


This was a most amazing episode, I agree. Most consistent opinion I've been hearing is that a lot of people really want Paddy Considine to win the Emmy for playing Viserys. I’m waiting to see who his competition would be, but I would be agreeable to Paddy at the very least receiving a nomination. I had a similar feeling of marveling over Viserys’s as of the beginning of this episode, and I even said, “HOW IS THIS MAN STILL BREATHING?!?” I knew the scene where Daemon helps Viserys would be one that would get to you. Paddy and Matt Smith were so excellent in that scene. Likewise, the scene where Daemon took a little off the top of Vaemond, was a fantastic moment in your reaction. I was slightly taken out of the scene as unless those swords are like lightsabers, there should have been more blood in that scene. First of all, good aim with Daemon leaving the tongue completely intact so that he could make his snappy one-liner, but there should have been more blood. It is as you say difficult to get a read on Rhaenys, but she does read very much as a woman who keeps her options open if nothing else. Yeah, it is rotten with Helaena being married to Aegon. The scene with Alicent and the maid was deeply uncomfortable. The whole family dinner sequence was amazing and heartbreaking because of how close it came causing the whole conflict to be done. Or at least there would have been a higher chance of a more peaceful resolution. Aemond was a creepy one in this episode, and it leaves you wondering the state of his sanity. To be fair, the Game of Thrones universe is one where you have to sleep with one eye open, and Aemond’s only got one eye, so... I got a laugh out of you half expecting everyone getting murdered at the family dinner, and I quipped, “Not an unreasonable fear, but if memory serves, the murders tend to happen at the weddings in these shows, not at the family dinners.” I also got a laugh out of your suggesting maybe naming one or two Targaryens Steve rather than all the Aegons. My mind went to GoodFellas with that, specifically the scene where Paulie’s introducing his sons and nephews, all of whom are named Peter or Paul, and Paulie’s saying, “Meet Paulie Jr., my nephew. And this is Petey. And this is Pete. No, I mean Paulie. I get confused myself.” It’s beyond tragic if the whole fragile peace that was achieved will most likely be undone by the misunderstanding by the shared names. Of course, one small bright spot is that at the absolute minimum, Viseyrs had one last happy memory before the end. This was a most tremendous reaction, Jess. Easily one of your best for this show thus far. My hat’s off to a job most well done.


Plus, before this show we associated the name Viserys entirely with Dany's worthless brother who served as the show's first ever demonstration of its willingness to kill off seemingly major characters.


Ah, yes, Daenerys's brother. Now, that was a very satisfying death to watch.


Honestly, I guess you´re right! This show could do a similar thing to GoT what the Clone Wars did to the Prequels :D