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Classic Who "Revenge of the Cybermen" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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I think I deserve a round of applause for crawling my ass over to my desktop to post this. This Covid is hitting me hard guys. Enjoy!

Josef Schiltz

Ugh. Sorry to hear you've got that wretched thing. Just rest up, we're all with you. Take great care of yourself. You're very special to us.


I am sure U will pull .... Drink liquids. juices if u can. Be sure 2 resl. I'm sorri U R SICK. I had covid; mi ex-fiancee had covid; mi mom died from Covid. Be well and be safe, Impossible Girl !


weird. mi commenls are GONE... Impossible Girl !


Thank you Jess. Please take care. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Thomas Corp

Yeah, covid’s no fun. It got my mom fairly bad. My brother and sister in-law, likewise, had a rotten time with it. Makes me feel guilty that my own dealing with it was as mild as it was. Everyone’s better now, so I say not to worry, Jess, this too shall pass. Wishing you all the best.

Ian Smith

Get well soon,Jess! I too have endured it. Lots of rest; liquid; paracetamol when needed. You'll be over it soon :)

James Fish

Real sorry to hear that. Hoping you're well again in no time.

James Fish

Thanks for an excellent reaction as always. Like I say, this didn't make my top 10 of Classic Who but it is memorable for the sass if nothing else! Visiting those caves officially made my bucket list after a friend went there last week. It's located in a small village called Wookey Hole & they are apparently quite vast. Will always be Voga to me!


Psst...If you haven't already recorded it, I would suggest not looking at the title for the next story!

Rob Morris

Much as I love your Who reactions (and I do) please make sure you prioritise your health! We *can* wait!

Josef Schiltz

I hope you're improving, Jess. I noticed it's been The International Day of the Dog. Sorry you've not been up to celebrating the day of canine recognition with Rocco. I'm sure he's good company when you're not feeling good. My Border Collie used to cheer me up when I was a youngster and not feeling great, which happened a fair bit of the time. Take care.

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry you're so sick! It's so weird how it really hits some people and not others. Hydrate and rest! Hope it passes soon!

Anonymous Goanna

This is 1st time that Cybermen are shown to have a weakness to gold, well known at this point. Yet Vogans have gold everything but weapons? first cyber story I saw and love them as 2nd to daleks. the head guns