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Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.



OMFG lol I LUV dis movie EH ! hilarious zombie fun mi favourile . as good as sex... well ok no im joking lol. KUDOS, Sesska ! from Canada eh, Impossible Girl !


do GODZILLA if u can, ani version for giggles and laughs and omg jokes


Tallahassee's hatred of hippies is especially amusing when you remember Woody Harrelson has long been a prominent advocate for the legalization of majijuana.

Thomas Corp

I caught this in the theater when it came out, and it was great to revisit. Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee is my favorite and the most relatable of the main group. Favorite and most relatable scene of his in this one was his freaking out over finding out about Little Rock being with Berkeley. In between the laughter I had a vivid thought during that scene of, “Is that what I'd be like if I was ever a dad? Shit.” Madison is a highlight of this, even if I as someone who often is a negative Nancy would be driven up a wall if I had to spend any time with her. It is a case of frustrating and insufferable beyond belief though she is, particularly concerning her unbelievable lack of intelligence, Madison was completely hilarious, and Zoey Deutch did such a terrific job bringing the character to life. Kept having to do double-takes with her too, because I kept saying, “I swear she looks exactly like her mom.” And in the end, Madison did really come through. And yes, she could do a LOT better than that hippie ignoramus. Quite enjoyed Rosario Dawson, Luke Wilson, and Thomas Middleditch joining the cast as well. The whole love-triangle kerfluffle was annoying, and I was critical of both Columbus and Wichita in equal measure. On the one hand, sure, Wichita did just abruptly turn tale with only a shit note for an explanation. On the other hand, Columbus rebounded pretty damn quick. After two minutes of their snippy back-and-forth, I'd have yelled at them threatening that if they didn’t shut up about their love problems, I'd hit both of them over the head with a tack hammer. When it came to naming the deadliest zombies T-800s, I kept thinking that going with the Terminator theme, I would have gone with naming them T-1000s myself. I so looked forward to your reactions to the Babylon place, and you did not disappoint. When I saw this in the theater, I had to bite my tongue about it so many times as I wanted to scream about how idiotic the whole set-up was. Seeing it again in the comfort of my own house I was able to let loose by screaming, “You people have a no weapons policy and go so far as to melt guns into peace symbols all in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?! Even the dumb blonde who’s got less brain cells than Frank Burns and Jar Jar Binks put together thinks that this is a psychotically stupid idea!! How the barreling FUCK are you people not dead?!?!?” And it’s great how the film ends with one more appearance by Bill Fucking Murray, complete with the musical accompaniment by Kenny Loggins. I had a feeling you’d get a kick out of the reference to The Walking Dead in this. I’m glad to see that you enjoyed this film, and that you had a fun time. Again, it’s always enjoyable to share a movie with you, Jess. Particularly, a fun film such as this. Thanks.


It's great to see how Zoey Deutch has become the rare Disney child star who doesn't flame out after they leave that period, and has pushed herself with truly diverse and challenging roles. The only other one that comes to mind with success as an adult to this level is Kurt Russell. Her most recent film Not Okay is perhaps her best work yet.


I NO LONGER BELIEVE.... Impossible Girl