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Supernatural 6x07 Full Reaction

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Regarding the "soullessness"... if you lost your soul you´ll lose your emotional side, you have no morals/ethics and casualties aren´t important if you reach your goals... I would compare a soulless person to a sociopath...


This is a very good comparison, actually - the soul in the SPN universe is essentially everything that makes you who you are, including the relationships you have with others. Without a soul, it's basically like snipping all of those threads connecting them with the people they care about, to the point where they're nothing but just some guy they know. It's why Sam let Dean get taken by that vampire and made with the smirky-smirk - normally, the two of them have a *tremendous* protective instinct when it comes to each other, so for Sam to just let Dean get turned right in front of him *just to see what would happen* and help them get into the Alpha Vampire's inner sanctum, it's meant to be a whole fleet of red flags that Something Is Not Quite Right With Sam. Complete lack of empathy or conscience.