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Star Trek 2x16 Full Reaction

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I find this episode to be one that is unpleasant. I’m not sure that I would go so far as to say it’s one of my least favorite episodes, but it’s not far from it, and it’s not on my list of episodes to rewatch with any real degree of frequency. Given how you’ve stated in the past that lack of freedom is something that really bothers you, like a lot, I figured that this would be an episode that wouldn’t exactly be your cup of tea. I’m with you on being mistrustful of the brain creatures on keeping their word. I would require more specificity on the agreement. As you observed, they agree to educate the thralls, but they’re unclear about how they will do so. There’s also nothing in the agreement that states that the brain creatures can’t just enslave them all over again after the “education” is completed. They present a very Swiss cheese agreement; you are correct on that. Uhura and Chekov were underutilized. The scene with Uhura was I agree horrifying. Likewise, I hated the similar scene with Chekov, particularly in that the music suggests that we’re meant to find the scene comical, which it was not. And yeah, the scenes with Kirk and, I believe her name was Shahna, were most tedious, tiresome, and troublesome beyond belief, like most all the plotlines where Kirk “woos” the women throughout the show. You’re right that they keep showcasing such a plotline time and time again that I’m saying, “Don’t the writers find it dull after a while? As a plotline it’s not hugely varied, is it?” The scenes with Spock, Bones, and Scotty were the better parts of the episode. I had a small chuckle in the reaction when it got to the part with the rejuvenating drink that Kirk is given that you said it looked like wine, I saw it and thought, “What is that a grape nehi?” I’m in complete agreement with everything you had to say in the post-episode thoughts. I do hope you don’t receive any negative and/or hateful comments or messages in response to the thoughts and opinions that you conveyed. Despite the fact that this was not an episode either of us particularly enjoyed, I still quite enjoyed this reaction, Jess. As is always the case when you watch something that you weren’t the biggest fan of, I still love hearing what you have to say, your opinions on what you’ve watched. And if nothing else, you are always honest, and that honesty, is always valued, Jess.


Kirk convincing computers/ AIs to destroy themselves is only exceeded by his plot driven ability to seduce an enemy female to defeat the big bads. Sigh.


I swear, even Shatner seems bored to death of seducing his way out of trouble in this one.


This episode annoys me, on the one hands it promises much but let’s us down a lot as well. Initially I loved the make up of the landing party. Including Uhura and Chekov instead of Spock and McCoy was unusual and made a nice change, at least initially, unfortunately they are completely sidelined in the 2nd half of the episode, I can’t believe this would have happened if it had have been Spock and McCoy on the planet with Kirk. Kirk doesn’t really care about the woman at all, they’ve made it clear that he will do anything to get himself and his crew at of trouble so I don’t see this as unprofessional, cruel on the woman but not unprofessional It is boring though because he does this so often, if they were going to labour this point again I wish they would have swapped his trainer with Chekov’s and have us see him do this with a less conventionally beautiful woman. At least this would have been different. The Uhura/Lars scene is horrifying and again I think this could have been fixed if they’d given Uhura more of a ‘girl power’ moment. I kind of think of this a little like the Jabba/Leia scenes in Return of the Jedi, they’re hideous buts saved somewhat by the fact that she gets to kill him a little bit later. We are meant to assume Uhura just fights him off and rejects him which is why they think they can just forget about it afterwards, I just think this Uhura scene would have settled better with me if the very next one had someone having to drag out an unconscious Lars from her cell. It’s interesting that this episode was written by a woman. Great reaction Jess.


Chekov's role in this was originally going to be Sulu, using some martial arts (because of course that's what the Asian character would be doing). But then George Takei had to take time off to be in the John Wayne film The Green Berets, so there were some quick rewrites.