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Supernatural 6x05 Full Reaction

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Not exactly the most cheerful episode. If I have the math right, yes, this was around the time when the Twilight movies were big. I remember very vividly that time when Twilight was big. It was Hell. Only watched the damn movies so that the hardcore fans would leave me alone. You are not missing anything by not having seen them. They are awful. Like you say, the show doesn’t beat you over the head with the Twilight craze. I get a kick out of the vampire who turned Dean being named Boris. The more obvious choice would have been Bela, but that was already a major character earlier in the show. On the other hand, Boris Karloff did star in Mario Bava’s Black Sabbath which has vampires in it, so, it all balances out. As to Dean going a mite overboard with decapitating the vampires, that’s basically the only option he’s got. It’s either drive a stake through the vampire’s heart or cut off their head, stuff their mouth with garlic, and tear off their ears. Or just simply wait for the sun to rise and utilize that, but Dean didn’t have that kind of time on his hands. You make an excellent point about they’ve been very judicious on how much insight they have been giving us on Sam. The smirky-smirk was quite disconcerting and makes you wonder what’s the matter with Sam. Though I suspect that mystery will be unraveled at a later time in the series. Thanks for another great Supernatural reaction, Jess.