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Ms. Marvel 1x01 Full Reaction

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Jenny Chalek

OMG already?! You're awesome! Can't wait to watch after work!


I'm guessing Scott's podcast is the excuse for how the general public knows about anything now.

Thomas Corp

I won’t lie, thus far, the opening to this Disney+ Marvel show is the one I enjoyed the least, primarily because it felt a little too much like a teen drama. That’s not to necessarily impugn teen dramas per se, more that the genre is not normally my cup of tea. Having said that, this is enjoyable. The style felt very Scott Pilgrim at times. Had to pause a way in to verify about Kamala’s mom. I said, “Is that Kumail’s mom from The Big Sick?” I looked it up and verified that yes, it is. I had a similar moment when the guidance counselor or principal or whoever that was quoted from Mulan. I was befuddled and said, “Was that accidental, or were you trying to quote Reflection from Mulan on purpose?” Subsequently when it’s revealed that it was deliberate, I had a good laugh. The scene where Kamala says that going to the con with her dad would be too humiliating is as you say a dagger to the heart. Like Kamal describes it, she made her dad cry, which, yeah, that’s not good. That’s really not good. I’m in agreement with you on being apprehensive when Kamal was building up her goal of winning the cosplay contest to the point where you’re afraid it’s not going to be pleasant if it doesn’t go the way she wants it. I related to your describing your struggles with building up expectations in your head and if doesn’t go the way you want or if some other thing happens that you become miserable as a result. I’ve struggled with that all my life. I still struggle with that. The quote you said of, “Sometimes, guys, expectations are pre-meditated resentments.” I have never heard that quote before, but I hear you say it, and said, “That is good. That is really good. I need to write that one down.” So, as I say, this was an enjoyable series opener. Do I think that I’ll enjoy this show as much as say WandaVision and/or Hawkeye, perhaps not, but I am intrigued, and I’ll keep watching along with you, and I’ve no doubt your reactions to this will be excellent. Thanks for the great reaction to the premiere of Ms. Marvel, Jess.

Jenny Chalek

Oh, but I think you missed the post credits scene. It's good. You might want to check it out. And thanks for a great reaction!