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Star Trek 2x12 Full Reaction

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It's now especially fun to compare this episode to how the actors really did look in their old age. Deforrest Kelley in particular is dead on.

Thomas Corp

Memory’s fuzzy on precise count, but yes, I do think we’re about halfway through the season. As I see Ryan has commented, and I agree, a major highlight of the episode years after its initial release is comparing the elderly appearance of the characters versus the actors' actual older looks. William Shatner in particular, we’re now over half a century after this episode’s airing, Shatner is ninety-one years old, and he looks a lot better now than Kirk did in his elderly state, which according to the ship’s computer was at least two decades younger than Shatner’s present age. I loved your observation about Spock’s hair. I wish I could get my hair like that. But then again, I’d just be happy to have hair period. Much as fans give Shatner guff for perhaps not being the best actor on the planet, this episode he does as you observed, a rather brilliant job of portraying what it’s like for someone when they get older, and your mind starts to fail. Leonard Nimoy likewise does such a marvelous job of through his voice and his minimal change in expression, the heartbreak that Spock feels at regulation and logic leaving him no choice but to relieve temporarily Kirk of command. My heart breaks for Spock when Kirk makes his accusations toward Spock. I had a similar reaction that you did during the first scene with Dr. Wallace. I said, “Oh, come o... Can’t we have one epis-Oh, they were a couple in the past. Never mind.” Yeah, her sub-plot lacks any real payoff. I’m with you on Sulu would have been the better choice to command. When I saw the episode and got to the scene where the Commodore took command of the Enterprise, I found myself yelling, “Wait a minute, why can’t Sulu take command?! Or Uhura?! Or both together; they’ll get shit done quick!” As you say, it’s hard to overall fault the Commodore for his actions. You’re correct on the critique you have about he didn’t really listen to anyone saying his actions were not the wisest course of action. When Chekov, who by comparison has perhaps the least amount of actual experience, even he’s saying dead seriously that what you’re doing is a bad idea, I would listen. To the Commodore’s credit, I like that he recognized his failings. This was a great episode. Given what you’ve spoken of in the past, especially what you’ve spoken about your past volunteer work, I had suspected that this episode would be one that you’d really appreciate. Well, maybe appreciate is not the best word to use. In the absence being able to think of a more appropriate one, that’s the one I’ll use. In any case, this was a most terrific reaction to the episode, Jess, and I very much thank you for it.


It really wasn't until the third season that Shatner really got to the acting level that everyone makes fun of, and not so coincidentally that's also when the scripts he was working with really went downhill. Also, there actually was an episode written where Uhura took command, but the studio rejected it because they were racist. Their official explanation was "No one would believe her in command," but everyone knows what they meant by that.

Alex Cafetzoglou

Uhura takes command in an Animated episode and she's awesome. Of course Sulu should have taken command, he's been in command in times of war after all. I suppose there just wouldn't have been a dramatic conclusion if he did, after Sulu would have been competent.