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Classic Who "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Josef Schiltz

Mm. Sorry about episodes that held great promise but were a tremendous let down due to the really ropey dinosaurs. The effects were farmed out to an outside team and the whole thing was just beyond them. The T-Rex is especially dreadful and when you think of the Drashigs, so successfully realized in 'Carnival of Monsters', this is just plain embarrassing. Personally, i'd hoped that there would be an update on the effects before you got round to it, but it wasn't to be. The premise is an okay one, but the effects are just one big no!

Janel Rodriguez

You're hair has a bit of that strawberry blonde thing happening. It's quite nice for Spring!

Mark McKeown

I personally didn’t think they affected the enjoyment at all. Everything from that era looks janky one way or another, so these fit in pretty well.

Janel Rodriguez

But to comment on this episode, when I first watched it, I found it a bit slow moving, but came to like how each installment differs from the previous one in little ways and brings the story forward and keeps it interesting. (Also, I knew you'd be happy with the dinos/upset about Mike!)


This episode’s writer was furious with how shoddy the dinosaurs looked, and indeed if you read the script and just imagine much better effects, it’s a lot more impressive.

Josef Schiltz

I'm glad you can get past the effects, Jess. You're more forgiving than we were at the time. There were animated discussions at school on the Monday morning about the "rubbish dinosaurs!"

Josef Schiltz

Coming from that era, I think our twelve-year-old selves at the time would tend to disagree! But I'm glad Jess liked them.

Alex Cafetzoglou

The story title is Invasion of the Dinosaurs but they purposely left the title at the just ‘The Invasion’ for the first episode because they knew in 38 times someone who really loved dinosaurs would react to it and would love the surprise at the episodes end.

James Fish

I was both looking forward to you reacting to this story and somewhat dreading it. Looking forward to it because I absolutely love this as a story - gives the viewer so much to think about from the off in terms of WTF is going on. Dreading it because I knew the thing with Mike would be very upsetting to you - I was gobsmacked too. I may talk more about that side of it after you've reacted to the last two parts of this so as not to creep in any kind of spoilers. The Pterodactyl scene is one of the earliest memories I have of Classic Who. I must have only been 2 & it terrified me so badly it gave me a morbid fear of birds for years afterwards lol! I know the Dinosaurs were somewhat ropey but I knew you'd get past that! I did notice you'd changed your hair & nothing wrong with that. As the newly regenerated Second Doctor said 'Life depends on change & renewal'. See you next time!


Loved your reaction. The dinosaur effects in this story never bothered me because this was a great episode (I grew up in Chicago where the stories were all smushed together into single episodes on PBS). As for your hair, I didn't even realize the color had changed (oops). It looks straighter than you've been wearing it, but that's the only thing I noticed. Either way, it looks fine to me!

David Vandervliet

Long time YT follower, finally joined your patreon, as you enter Classic Who Season 11, While Season 8 is my favorite Pertwee season, Season 11 begins a true golden age of WHO, that runs for the next 4 1/2 seasons that I can't wait to see you react to. I also have been anxious to see how you react to Yates' part in this story.

Josef Schiltz

Well yes, same here. The story was brilliant. Though the only way my twelve-year-old self and numerous other Doctor Who fans at my school at the time could get around the effects was that the time travel effect had - somehow - mummified the dinosaurs so that they had lost the ability of fluid movement! Maybe we were a bit spoilt previously by the drashigs, but we looked at these dinosaurs and hated on them.