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Star Trek 2x01 Full Reaction

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My favorite Spock episode and it’s in a three-way tie with Space Seed and The City on the Edge of Forever for being my favorite of the original Star Trek series. Leonard Nimoy often said that this was one of his personal favorites, if not his favorite. I remember the weekend after Leonard died that the tv channels that showed Star Trek on the weekend, they rearranged the line-up to play this episode to pay tribute to Leonard. It was quite an emotional viewing of the episode that night; made me cry. Of the guest cast, I really loved Celia Lovsky as T'Pau. This is an episode of firsts. The first time we see the Vulcan salute and the line live long and prosper, and the first appearance of Walter Koenig as Chekov. He was introduced to attract a younger audience, more specifically the younger female audience, hence the Davy Jones type hairstyle. He and Sulu do become very good friends, both in and out of universe, Walter and George Takei became very good friends. In answer to your questions about Pon farr, if I recall correctly, yes, there was something similar on Voyager. Also, I believe that you’ve said that you’ve seen at least some of The Big Bang Theory, they mention Pon farr in some detail once or twice, which might further explain your familiarity with both the phrase and the meaning of it. The battle scene is a highlight. The music that plays during those scenes are superb. Watching it again this time, I was a complete nerd and was singing along to the music. Spock’s line, “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.” is one of my favorite lines in all of Star Trek. Moments in this reaction that I very much looked forward to your reaction to them, each time that Kirk and Spock referred to one another as friends, where Spock in his own way admits that he considers Bones to be one of his closest friends, and of course, the moment when Spock sees that Kirk is alive and is so overjoyed that he calls him “Jim” and does so with such a great big smile on his face. I so loved your reaction to that moment. I will agree with you that in terms of cuteness, it does come in at a very close second to Spock rocking the beanie. I knew that this reaction would be well worth the wait, and I was right. This was a most excellent reaction, Jess. I can’t thank you enough for it.


The torch that Christine has been carrying for Spock has been around since early season 1. She reveals to Spock she is in love with him while under the influence of the Psi 2000 infection in The Naked Time.

Nicholas Bielik

A great episode written by the show’s story editor Dorothy Fontana. She had real affection for Spock, and the episodes that she wrote herself were often Spock centered. Chekhov is wearing a wig in these first few episodes where he appears. They wanted him to have longer hair to appeal to younger viewers, but his hair was too short initially, so they gave him a rather bad wig until his hair grew out.