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Supernatural 5x09 "The Real Ghostbusters" Reaction

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When I first watched this season, I knew about the premise of this episode and I was very hesitant to watch it, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised, especially with both of those Dean moments you mention. Bless Sam being so chill, all things considered. I've only been to a midsize con with a group of friends I met through internet fandom. We bought photo ops with Tom Hiddleston ($100 at the time, and you could get two people in a photo, so $50 a person didn't seem too bad). The con itself was a little overwhelming - there's a lot of waiting in lines, a full schedule of events, a lot of merchandise, a lot of cosplay going on, but there was also a Tardis! So I got a nice photo with that : ) I would actually prefer a small con like the one in this episode, lol.

Kleineganz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 03:11:28 Loved your reaction, as always! I've never been to a Supernatural convention, but I feel like I have. I watch a lot of convention footage on YouTube because I think the Creation Entertainment cons (they run the 'official' Supernatural conventions) are way overpriced. I will say I love watching Jensen, Jared, Misha, and all the other cast members in their Q&As on stage. They give a lot of great insight into how they play their characters, and are just amazing human beings. The one convention I go to every year (when they are happening) is Denver Starfest (it's much more reasonably priced). I'm not sure how it compares to the Creation conventions, but they have celebrity guests doing Q&A panels, lots of cosplayers, a dealers room, and a number of events, including a dance party. One of the best things about Starfest, often the actors will come down to the bar and hang out with fans. Not sure that ever happens with the Supernatural cast (although I'm willing to bet Misha would totally be up for it if he was given the opportunity, and maybe J2 as well), but they don't due to security concerns.
2022-02-17 19:14:48 Loved your reaction, as always! I've never been to a Supernatural convention, but I feel like I have. I watch a lot of convention footage on YouTube because I think the Creation Entertainment cons (they run the 'official' Supernatural conventions) are way overpriced. I will say I love watching Jensen, Jared, Misha, and all the other cast members in their Q&As on stage. They give a lot of great insight into how they play their characters, and are just amazing human beings. The one convention I go to every year (when they are happening) is Denver Starfest (it's much more reasonably priced). I'm not sure how it compares to the Creation conventions, but they have celebrity guests doing Q&A panels, lots of cosplayers, a dealers room, and a number of events, including a dance party. One of the best things about Starfest, often the actors will come down to the bar and hang out with fans. Not sure that ever happens with the Supernatural cast (although I'm willing to bet Misha would totally be up for it if he was given the opportunity, and maybe J2 as well), but they don't due to security concerns.

Loved your reaction, as always! I've never been to a Supernatural convention, but I feel like I have. I watch a lot of convention footage on YouTube because I think the Creation Entertainment cons (they run the 'official' Supernatural conventions) are way overpriced. I will say I love watching Jensen, Jared, Misha, and all the other cast members in their Q&As on stage. They give a lot of great insight into how they play their characters, and are just amazing human beings. The one convention I go to every year (when they are happening) is Denver Starfest (it's much more reasonably priced). I'm not sure how it compares to the Creation conventions, but they have celebrity guests doing Q&A panels, lots of cosplayers, a dealers room, and a number of events, including a dance party. One of the best things about Starfest, often the actors will come down to the bar and hang out with fans. Not sure that ever happens with the Supernatural cast (although I'm willing to bet Misha would totally be up for it if he was given the opportunity, and maybe J2 as well), but they don't due to security concerns.


Oh yeah, I wanted to add, the one big difference I think between the 'convention' in this episode and the real ones, would be the demographic makeup. The real SPN cons have a largely female fanbase in attendance, while in this episode it appeared to be a mostly male fanbase (besides 'superfan' Becky, who basically represents the crazy fangirls side of the fandom).


We have a very small Comic-Con where I live (our biggest guest is an astrophysicist who also advises for Star Trek shows, so... yeah). It's fun, but I like the slightly larger cons, but not the REALLY big ones (I went to the Denver Comic-con one year and wow, that was too much). Denver Starfest is somewhere in the middle. Still a lot of people, but feels more intimate and personal and they get better guests than the really small ones do.


That's nice! I agree w/ you that the SPN cons seem very expensive. I appreciate that people upload the talks on youtube. I've really enjoyed them.