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Supernatural 5x09 Full Reaction

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First mention of Crowley!! Woohooo :D


This episode aired the night before I went to my first Supernatural convention. It was the absolute perfect thing to hype me up. Rob Benedict (Chuck) was also there for the first time as a convention guest, so most of his prior knowledge of Supernatural conventions came from this episode. Like Chuck in the episode, he was a bit nervous but his panel was fantastic to watch.


I haven't been to a SPN convention yet, but just take a look at that audience in the panel scenes during this episode. Like, there's maybe one woman who's actually cosplaying *as* a female character (Bloody Mary) but everybody else is playing Dean, Sam or Bobby, for the most part - including one gender-swapped Bobby in the front. Or maybe monsters from the series - either way, it's almost exclusively all men in that crowd, That's the audience I think Kripke had been anticipating for this show, the one he wanted, but it definitely wasn't the one he got. Becky is his take on what the fangirls looked like to TPTB, back in the day, and it wasn't a very flattering portrayal. There *are* some fans like Becky out there, of course - every fandom's got 'em! - but they definitely aren't the average SPN fan you'll usually tend to meet, imo. Also yep, their names are Damian and Barnes and we love them very much ^.^