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Clone Wars 3x17 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

All three of these episodes it feels like that quote, “War... is a hunger. And there are spirits in the galaxy whose hunger is never satisfied.” As I said last week, they kind of recall Wagner’s Ring Cycle, and upon the conclusion with all three of the Mortis Gods dead, the last episode of the arc achieves the Götterdämmerung. (German for “Twilight of the Gods” if you aren’t aware) The best scene of this episode, as well as one of the best scenes of the series is where the Son shows Anakin the shadows of things that will be. That moment where it culminates with the mist forming the shape of Darth Vader’s helmet and mask, coupled with the sound of the iconic breathing and the old familiar notes of the Imperial March, every time I see it, I become so overwhelmed that I cry because it is such a beautiful scene. Your reaction to that scene was my favorite moment of this reaction. Regarding the comparison you were going to make, I don’t know, but I think you were going to say Bates Motel? Myself personally, rewatching this episode for your reactions, I was reminded of two specific bits of dialogue. The first from A Christmas Carol when Scrooge pleads with the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, “Men’s actions determine certain ends if they persist in them. But if their actions change, the ends change too. Say it is so with what you show me.” The second from Better Call Saul when Mike says, “We all make our choices, and those choices, they put us on a road. Sometimes, those choices seem small, but they put you on the road. You think about getting off, but eventually, you're back on it... And nothing, NOTHING can be done about that.” Your reactions to the Mortis arc have been some of your very best Clone Wars reactions. This show is only going to get better and better from here on out. I can’t wait to see the future reactions to this show. They are going to be so fantastic.