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Supernatural 4x18 Full Reaction - Google Drive



I've watched this season several times and I still get emotional even though I know what's going to happen. I completely agree that at the heart of it, this is about Sam finally feeling powerful enough to protect his brother (something he felt he failed to do during season 3). I also think it's a real challenge for Dean to let Sam take the reins for a change. Them caring about each other so much that it drives them apart is a real mood. I only found the show last year, so I wasn't involved in the fandom and I'm kind of glad I missed it. Based on what you say, it sounds like it's still going strong, and exists in other fandoms, I'm sure. Bobby Girl is the right answer! I don't understand how anyone enjoys the show if they are *that* committed to just one of the brothers, as the show is about their relationship, but what do I know.

Toasted Toad

Okay, my apologies - slightly long comment coming up I think it's clear that Cas has changed considerably since the beginning of the season. His decision here is not just "if you want to get something, you've got to give something". He is beginning to like Dean (Sam not so much at the moment - you rarely see him in the same room as Sam, which makes sense as Sam is having a different kind of relationship with Ruby!). If he were just following orders, he would not have felt protective in that episode where Dean was torturing Alistair, or helped him find a way around the prophecy here. It's still a tentative friendship, but it's clearly there. Cas has an identity. I know you enjoy jokingly calling him "Mr Spooky", but I think that by doing that, it's easy to fall into a pattern of thinking where you're making him a "thing" instead of a developing character. Importantly, it's also devaluing what this whole relationship says about Dean - his capacity to win people over, to get allies, not through great rhetoric, but by his passion, by being who he is. I love the freedom of the writing here and how self aware it was. To have a 'meta' episode being not just a gag but crucial for the plot is a great achievement. I wasn't part of the 'fandom' back then - social media was not what it is today, and in any event, the UK was about a year behind the States, but I'm pretty sure they loved it. I know that I laughed my head off.  And no, I don't think the writers were trying to get the audience not to have sympathy for Sam when Chuck gave his opinion about his blood drinking making Sam too "unsympathetic". I don't think they would have put that line in if they thought it would.  "I am the Prophet Chuck", and "brooding and pensive shoulders" - two of my favourite SPN lines!! 😂😂😂 Agreed with everything else you said. As usual, you have a great understanding of these characters and their motivations.


Wonderful reaction as usual. You really do understand these characters so well and I very much enjoy your analysis and deep dive into their motivations and emotional reactions. I appreciate that you are so impartial with it too. It is truly a duo act in this show. You CANNOT have one brother without the other and while I understand everyone has their favorites (I do too), no one should hate on others for their preferences or for not even having one or for how they love their favorite if they do. Just let all that "passion" pass you by.


Oh and regarding the fandom when this one aired - it was definitely a fan favorite at least that I know of. Its probably the first really meta episode since Hollywood Babylon (S2) but it went all in on the fandom likes and dislikes and poked fun at even the writers for their bad episodes. As a writer myself it was particularly hilarious to see a writer meeting their proposed creations and struggling with the very act of writing itself and the level of god like power you feel you have over characters. Also the Dean/Sam thing was very real in the early days of the fandom and the show runners and actors were aware so seeing it made fun of in the episode was just pure gold. It was a very loud a clear message from everyone on the SPN team that said "we hear you" the good and then bad. To this day I still have never been a part of fandom that has been this lovely to its fans by including them in the show in a small way while also at the same time parodying them mercilessly lol. Another reason why there isn't any other show quite like Supernatural.


Most of the people I've heard talking about this episode loved it. This show is so good at developing characters and yet it doesn't take itself, too seriously. I think that's a big part of it's longevity. I started out as a Sam girl but I'm now firmly in the Dean camp. "I'm Bobby girl"... may I say you have excellent taste. Season 3 was the first time they started to develop him as a character and I've never heard anyone say they don't like Bobby. Finally, I would just like to thank you for your amazing reactions. I like that you can straddle the fence on the brothers. Your talking points on the emotions and motivations are always well thought out. You have a knack for explaining exactly how I feel about the episodes and what happened in them. I love the passion and the emotion you show in every video. And I always look forward to your next one. The way you talk about the show has made me feel a bit connected and less alone in how I think. Keep up the great work!