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Contact Reaction - Google Drive


Dave Hampton

I can ramble on and about this movie even more so but I will try to keep this short(ish). I will probably say/ask more in the monthly chat. I liked the beginning of this movie better than the book, but the end of the book was way better than the movie. I know you (Jess) are not much of a reader so I will go into it but spoilers for anyone who plans to read the book someday but has not yet. Dr. Arroway did not go to space alone in the book there were 5 (maybe 6, I think it was 6 including her, it has been a bit since I read it) others who went with her. So it would have to be that all of them were doing a hoax (which some people did think). There are other things in the book that lead to the credibility of the story as well but I think the 18 hours of static were important to leave in (at least for me but I understand were you are coming from in your view that it should have been left out). A great film IMO that tackles wonderful topics. Even at the time it came out and more so now I do not think this is how "Contact" would happen, but it is a nice way to tell a beautiful story IMO.

Natasha G

LOVED that you freaked out about William Fitchner! UNDERRATED actor for SURE. And he also played my favorite character in Prison Break! I just remember finding his acting to be SO well done!

Natasha G

that is good to know about the book because I am reading it for the first time, actually!

Thomas Corp

First off, your shirt selection for this reaction, I must say, nicely done. This movie still holds up really well and is just so good. Jodie Foster as Ellie is one of her very best performances. I knew you were going to love William Fitchner's character. John Hurt, who is one of my top ten favorite actors, never ceases to amaze, and in this film where he plays Hadden, just how he's able to steal the entire film with only about ten-fifteen, if that, minutes of screentime; it’s insane how good he is. I like how you point out with James Woods as the national security advisor, given his job; it makes sense that he's as cautious and skeptical as he is. With Matthew McConaughey, when I first saw this when I was younger, I did not necessarily have a problem with his character. Seeing it this time for your reaction, my opinion’s more in a middle ground, albeit, it leans towards a similar thought like the opinion/rant you had. The scene where the static is discussed and how you wish it wasn’t in the film is the most common criticism I’ve heard of the film. Personally, I don’t mind it as I did not find it to be conclusive proof that contact did in fact happen. Instead, I saw it as evidence that merely suggests that it did. Also, Ellie, at least as far as we know, is unaware of the eighteen hors of static, so her having to have faith in that the experience was in fact real, I did not feel was undermined by the scene at the end. All that said I fully understand people’s complaints with that scene. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: you and your videos have a truly effective ability to lift my spirits when I’m going through very sad and difficult times, and I once again have to thank you for that.

Natasha G

also this movie has one of my favorite endings, ever. I loved how the tables were turned. How she had to believe something based on faith, alone. And no evidence. And how he had to reconsider the idea of a different world than he originally considered. Because she was so certain of her convictions, he really admired that about her

Dave Ford

Glad you enjoyed that - It's a pretty faithful adaptation of the book, which I loved when it was first published. The use of the opening ceremony of the 1936 Berlin Olympics is an interesting technical idea - that it's one of the first TV broadcasts capable of reaching space. The focus of the story between scepticism and faith is fascinating and hinges on whether one has good evidence or not to believe something. While you may wish that the audience had been shown the evidence that Ellie had travelled, I wish Ellie knew. And, boy, I hope your allergies improve soon!